Notification No. 1636/PMO.DRGA, dated 01 October 2018 assigns the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to coordinate with Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and all provinces. Concerned sectors shall follow, evaluate risk and carefully beware about the spread of ASFV into the Lao PDR, particularly the outbreak of animal disease from neighboring countries, including regional and international. Previously, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has issued a notification on the stop temporary importing of pork products from China No.0945/MAF, dated 05 September 2018 due to there is an outbreak of ASFV in Liaoning province, China.

Sample of ASFV                                                                              Sample of pig with ASFV
                     Source :                                   Source:                            


According to World Organisation for Animal and Health (OIE) reported that ASF is a highly contagious hemorrhagic disease of pigs, the organism which causes ASF is a DNA virus of the Asfarviridae family with high virulence forms of the virus, ASF is characterized by high fever, loss of appetite, haemorrhages in the skin and internal organs, and death in 2-10 days on average. Mortality rates may be as high as 100%.

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