Ministry of Finance

                                                                                      Customs Department                                                                                     

No. 02252 /CD

Vientiane Capital, date 11 May 2018




To:            Head of Concerned Division of Customs Department and Head of Customs Regional Offices Nationwide

Subject:    The Management and Utilization of Security Seal for Specific Task of Customs Administration.


-     Pursuant to Customs Law no. 04/NA, dated 20 December 2011 and Customs Law (Amended some articles) no. 57/NA, dated 24 December 2014.

-     Pursuant to the Decision of Minister no. 2826/MOF, dated 22 August 2017 on the Organization and Function of Customs Department.


In order to ensure the management and utilization of security seal for transport vehicles, container and the monitoring of national movement of the transit transportation of goods, item in Lao PDR legally and in harmonized manner nationwide.


The Customs Department notifies:

Article 1:  Features of Customs Security Seal:

The security seal of Customs for the specific task of Cutoms Administration consists of three types with the following features:

  • The Security Seal Type 1 :  Use for sealing the transport vehicle and/or the container from the customs border checkpoint of origin to the customs border checkpoint of destination; has the features such as: size 1.80cm x 40cm, orange color, customs logo and the written character that Lao Customs, the order number of the security seal and QR code (Sample):
  • The Security Seal Type 2 :  Use for sealing the transport vehicle and/or the container of goods, item for re-export; has the features such as: size 1.80cm x 70cm, red color, customs logo and the written character that Lao Customs, the order number of the security seal and QR code (Sample):

  • The Security Seal Type 3 Use for:
    •   The transport vehicle of container of goods, item for the guarantee of duty and other charges to release from the customs border checkpoint or the warehouse.

The feature of the security seal is: metal seal (navy color), type: Cable Seal D 1mm, w 30cm, 1.00PSC (Sample):

  • The distribution price of three securtiy seals is 15,000 kip per one seal


Article 2: The Utilization Method

  1. For the container shall lock on the spot where the padlock is, the spot of the container where the padlock is or depend on the container condition.
  2. The general transport vehicle that use the canvas for covering shall use the seal depend on the vehicle condition from four to six spots to ensure the canvas will not be able to open.
  3. The transport vehicle of fuel shall lock on the opening or closing spot of fuel tank or other spots to ensure the tank will not be able to open.
  4. QR Code is a code used for inspection and accurateness of the security seal when in suspicious or counterfeiting case.

Article 3: The Management, Distribution and Demand Planning

  1. The Organization, Administration and Finance Division is assigned to set planning of production, management, inspection, monitoring, utilization and distribution of security seal for the Concerned Division of Customs Department and Customs Regional Offices nationwide.
  2. The Customs Regional Office is assigned to distribute the Provincial Customs Inspection Sectors/Offices and the Customs Border Checkpoint to manage and distribute to the practical officer as well as to conclude and report the utilization regularly to the Organization, Administration and Finance Division monthly, quarterly and yearly.

Article 4: Responsibility

       4.1. The responsibility of origin (The Provincial Customs Inspection Office and Customs Border Checkpoint)

  • Mandate the affiliated customs unit or officer to manage and distribute the security seal.
  • The assigned customs unit or officer carry out the distribution of security seal to the customs officer who has a mandate to inspect the actual goods, item; The distribution is based on the detailed customs declaration form and the amount of truck and/or container. Each distribution shall have the giving and receiving book, the name and signature of the giver and receiver and date.
  • The practical customs officer shall have the minute on the utilization of the security seal each time such as: how many spots has been sealed in each vehicle and/or container, the order number of security seal has been given and others.
  • Conclude the utilization weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly to report to the Customs Regional Office to continue collect and report to the Customs Department; Each request for security seal buying shall send the used security seal to the Organization, Administration and Finance Division for collection and inspection as specified in the regulation.

       4.2. The responsibility of destination (The Provincial Customs Regional Office and Customs Border Checkpoint)

  • Assign the customs officer to carry out the physical inspection of security seal when the goods arrived the destination.
  • The assigned customs officer to inspect the legal and normal condition of the security seal. Then, cut out the security seal of all containers, and sign the MOU on the security seal cut and goods inspection for evidence. Finally, send the security seal to the responsible unit for collection.
  • The responsible unit to conclude and collect the security seal cut and send to the origin weekly and monthly to compare with the using types of security seal.

        4.3. The responsibility of operator

  • Facilitate the customs officer to carry out the goods inspection and utilization of security seal for management in legal manner.
  • The illegal utilization of security seal as specified in law and regulation is prohibited strictly.

Article 5: Measures Against the Violator

            5.1. Measures against officer

Any customs officer who manage and use the security seal in illegal manner as specified in law and regulation which leads to the loss and damage, and the impact to the specific performance.

Particularly, the revenue collection or collusion in illegal manner shall be educated and warned depended on the case or shall be prosecuted as specified in law and regulation strictly.

            5.2. Measures against operator

Any person who violate this Notification shall be educated, warned, fined or taken customs proceedings and responsible for the compensation of the damage or subject to disciplinary measures as specified in law and regulation.


Article 6: The Concerned Divisions, Customs Regional Offices, Provincial Customs Inspection Offices, Customs Border Checkpoint and relevant sector shall implement this Notification strictly.

Article 7:       This Notification replaces the Notification no. 05408/CD, dated 04 June 2015, Notification no. 01149/CD, dated 22 February 2017 and shall become effective from the date of signature.


Acting Director General of Customs Department


# Title Download
1 Notification on Management of the Utilization of Security Seal for Specific Tasks of Customs Administration No. 02252/CD, dated 11 May 2018 PDF
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