Unofficial translation

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Office of the Government    No. 02/GoL
Vientiane capital, dated 02 January 2020

Decree on Animal Feed

•    Pursuant to Law on Government No. 04/NA, dated 08 November 2016;
•    Pursuant to Law on Livestock and Veterinary No. 08/NA, dated 11 November 2016;
•    Pursuant to the offer letter of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No. 1346/MAF, dated 25 November 2019.

Section I
General Provision

Article 1: Purpose 
    This Decree is intended to define the principles, rules and measures to manage, monitor and inspect the work of animal feed in order to ensure the quality, standard, safety and nutrition provided as well as protect and encourage the livestock in Lao PDR to be extended, sustainable for food consumption and products, contribute to strengthening the national social-economic in green and sustainable development.
Article 2: Animal Feed
    Animal feed is an edible material, which consists an instant ingredient, semi-instant ingredient or unprocessed which can use for producing animal.
Article 3: Term of Interpretation
    Terms used in this decision are defined as followed:
1.    Animal refers to animals which are defined on Livestock and Veterinary Law
2.    HACCP-Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point refers to the system which is designated for evaluating and controlling the dangerous point that can impact food safety.
3.    Animal feed additives refers to any substances which are added to feed in order to make animal feed products to have shape, odor, color etc. Animal feed additives do not include any medical substances which are mixed on animal feed for protecting or treating animal diseases. 
4.    Instant animal feed refers to animal feed which is processed completely from the factory and ready to serve animal.
5.    Semi-instant animal feed refers to raw materials which are passed some processes from the factory, but not ready to serve animal yet. It needs to have additional process such as concentrate feed, head feed.
6.    Unprocessed feed refers to plants or raw materials of animal feed which is not passed any process from the factory but can be used to feed animals such as plants, grasses, outputs or wasted which is fresh, dry and pickled from agricultural outputs and processing industry.
7.    Fake animal feed refers to animal feed which uses other ingredients that are not match as component register or animal feed which is produced as similar as original feed, as well as animal feed which is labelled or marked to deceive users.
8.    Poor quality animal feed refers to feed which is expired, yeasted, spoiled and decomposed or feed which is contaminated toxic substances including animal feed which is packed by prohibit packaging as described by ministry of agriculture and forestry.
9.    Business operator refers to individual, legal entity which has the enterprise registration license or investment permit and business license approved by related government agencies.
10.    Authorizer refers to individual, legal entity and organization who is obtained a business license on animal feed from animal feed management organization as prescribed in this decree.
Article 4: Government Policies on Animal Feed
      Government has paid attention on animal feed sector by training officers, researching, testing, developing and providing technical lessons on animal feed as well as establishing infrastructure, technical equipment in order to ensure the work to be more effective. 
Government has encouraged individual, legal entity or internal and external organization to invest in animal feed sector. Utilize the potential of locally natural resources to grow plants for animal feed, produce animal feed ingredients as well as encourage the processing sector and produce animal feed sustainably by supporting information, technical assistants and policies (tariff and tax) in according to the laws.
Article 5: The Principles on Animal Feed
     The scope of work on animal feed shall be implemented in accordance with fundamental principles as following: 
1.    Comply to the laws, regulations, policies of clean agriculture and technical standards as related.
2.    Manage centralization and unity throughout the country.
3.    Ensure the appropriation of quality and safety for livestock.
4.    Ensure the transparency, justice and can be investigated. 
Article 6: The scope of use
 This decree is used for individual, legal entity internal and external organization who is operating business on animal feed in Lao PDR.
Article 7: International Cooperation
 Government has encouraged to promote the cooperation with regional and international agencies on animal feed by exchanging the lessons and information, researching science and technology, developing human resource in order to make the work to be more potential and effective.
Section II
Categories and Animal Feed Lists
Article 8: The Categories of Animal Feed
Animal feed is an essential element for animal living and growing, which may be spontaneous or caused by processing. Animal feed is divided into two categories as below:
1.    Concentrated food is animal feed which contains low dietary fiber no more than 20% which animals are highly digestible, with the level 56% or higher such as head feed, instant food or raw materials as rice bran, maize and soybean meal.
2.    Coarse food is animal feed which contains dietary fiber more than 20% which animals are lowly digestible, with the level no more than 56% such as fresh, dry and pickled grasses, leaves and wasted plants.
Article 9: The Implementation at the Checkpoint During Import
   The list of animal feed is the list of instant and semi-instant feed, ingredients for producing animal feed and animal feed additives which are registered and allowed to produce, import, export and distribute within Lao PDR as well as transit via Lao PDR.
 Ministry of agriculture and forestry is in charge to define and review the list of animal feed in term of making a basis reference for registration and approval in each period. 
Article 10: Contaminants
Contaminants are the unnecessary such material, chemical, biology, radiation which is contaminated in animal feed during preparation, process, treatment, package, preserve, transport or distribution.
Ministry of agriculture and forestry is in charge to define the list and the level of contaminants which are permitted or not allowed on animal feed, also inform the business operators and consumers of animal feed to implement in each period. 

Section III
Animal Feed Registration

Article 11:     Animal Feed Registration
   The registration for animal feed is a collection of information, for example, labelling and the list of ingredient recipes for animal feed which has the details of main ingredients as described by livestock and fisheries department, ministry of agriculture and forestry.
Before produce, import, export, transit and distribute, business operators shall register animal feed in according to this decree.
In case of a person who already obtained the license od registration but needs to edit the information of labelling or change the recipe list of animal feed shall apply the request of edit to livestock and fisheries department.
Article 12: Exception of Animal Feed for Registration
     Animal feed which is excepted for registration as following:
1.    Animal feed such as fresh and dry plants, including waste from cultivation and processing industry.
2.    Animal feed which is imported and processed for research, test, exhibition, reproduction or in emergency case as approved by the government. 
3.    Animal feed which individual makes for treating their animals.
     In case of animal feed which is mentioned above has purposed for business, this shall be registered as prescribed in this decree.
Article 13: The Conditions for Animal Feed Registration
    The conditions for register animal feed as following:
1.    Animal feed which is produced, imported, exported or sold in Lao PDR.
2.    Animal feed which has been tested, researched for quality and safety.
3.    Animal feed, which is imported, shall be register from producing country and be authorized from producer of exporting country.
4.    Have documents and sample of animal feed as prescribed by department of livestock and fisheries, ministry of agriculture and forestry
Article 14: Documents and Sample of Animal Feed
     Documents and sample of animal feed which shall be register as following:
1.    Request letter as designated by department of livestock and fisheries.
2.    Copy of enterprise registration license and business license on animal feed.
3.    Authorized letter from animal feed manufacturer and animal feed registration letter from exporting country if animal feed is imported.
4.    Authorized letter and identity card of representative in case there is another person apply for registration.
5.    Label and sample animal feed at least 500g per recipe.
6.    The report of recipe testing which is applied for registration.
7.    The declaration letter of feed types and animal feed’s recipes which have the details of main raw materials.
8.    Others documents which are necessary as requested by department of livestock and fisheries.
Article 15: The Consideration for Approving Animal Feed Registration License
    After receiving the request letter for registering animal feed, department of livestock and fisheries shall take the consideration for registration within 120 days from the date of receiving the request letter.
Article 16: Suspension of Animal Feed Registration License 
     Animal feed registration license shall be suspended in the cases as following:
1.    Animal feed which is registered but has not been produced, imported or sold in the country within 3 years.
2.    Animal feed which has been inspected and certified that can be harmful to people and animal.
    The suspension of animal feed registration license shall be informed a person who is suspended by writing letter.
Article 17: Cancel the Animal Feed License
1.    Do not comply the notifications of Animal feed management organization.
2.    The license from manufacturer’s country is terminated.
    Department of livestock and fisheries shall remove the information of animal feed from the list of animal feed products and announce through journalists to public.
Article 18: Propose or Appeal the Suspension or Cancel of Animal Feed License
    A person who is terminated or cancelled the license on animal feed can propose or appeal by writing letter to ministry of agriculture and forestry within 30 days from the dated of receiving the suspense notification or cancel of animal feed license in order to consider eliminating if a person can prove that he or she has complied to all conditions or rules as related.

Section IV
Standard, quality and safety of animal feed

Article 19: Standard of Animal Feed
Animal feed standard is the characteristics of animal feed on quality and the volume of food additives which suitable for treating each types of animals, longevity of animals to be as a reference for business operators on animal feed and users to comply.
Article 20: Quality of Animal Feed
Ministry of agriculture and forestry is in charge for defining the quality and the ingredients of animal feed to be as a reference for Management organization, business operators and user to comply.
Animal feed which is produced, imported, exported and sold shall have quality and has been tested as prescribed by ministry of agriculture and forestry
Article 21: Safety of Animal Feed
   Animal feed safety is the measures which are used for managing animal to be safe on animals and consumers as comprised:
1.    Production
2.    Container, Packaging and labelling
3.    Preserve and transportation
4.    Processing and using animal feed within farm
5.    Advertisement  
6.    Sampling and researching animal feed
7.    Planting, processing and using animal feed in farm
8.    Import
9.    Export
10.    Transit
11.    Sale
12.    Unsafe animal feed.
Article 22: Production of Animal Feed
    A person who obtains the registration license on animal feed for producing feed or ingredient of animal feed shall implement as following:
1.    Producing animal feed in accordance with the standards, having the risk analysis system and controlling the dangerous points.
2.    Houses, machines, equipment shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with the system to ensure the convenience of using and avoid the contaminants.
3.    Water which is used shall be clean and met the standard from all related agencies, water tanks and pipes shall be produced from safety materials.
4.    Machines, equipment which are used for animal feed or ingredients of animal feed shall be cleaned, dried every time before and after using in order to prevent yeasts or microorganism.
5.    Mixer machine, weighing scale and other equipment which is used for producing animal fed shall be suitable with the quality, volume of animal feed or ingredients of animal feed, keep it clean and inspect the accuracy clearly as prescribed by the rules of science and technology agency.
6.    Have efficient storage system and waste water treatment 
7.    Before producing for sale, manufacturers shall bring the products to register at livestock and fisheries department, ministry of agriculture and forestry and shall produce as same as recipes of animal feed which have been registered.
8.    Production shall be under the responsibility of operators and manufacturers who are authorized and acknowledge by animal management organization.
9.    Before selling, animal feed products shall be analyzed, certified quality and keep documents of certification at least 30 years.
Article 23: Pack, Packaging and Label animal feed
Animal feed, ingredients of animal feed shall be packed in new, clean and safety packaging and labelled in Lao and other languages clearly as provided information as following:
1.    Name of animal feed
2.    Trade mark
3.    Animal feed register number
4.    Name and address of manufacture
5.    Weight as metric system
6.    Main ingredients of animal feed
7.    Chemical quality or nutrition as registered
8.    Production date and expire date
9.    How to use 
Article 24: Preservation and Transportation of Animal Feed
    Preservation and transportation of animal feed shall be complied as following:
1.    Preserve animal feed in clean, suitable and safety locations
2.    Preserve and transport instant animal feed, ingredients of animal feed and animal feed additives shall be separated and not preserve and transport with fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals.
3.    Animal feed shall be stocked as necessary for use in order to prevent feed quality deterioration.
Article 25: Advertisement 
    Advertisement of animal feed shall be the same as contents, formats and locations where are permitted. The content of advertising shall be clear, correct characteristics, quality and avoid exaggerate advertisement to mislead or blind others to believe.
A person who intends to advertise about animal feed shall be apply the permit from agriculture and forestry sector, information, culture and tourism sector as other relevant agencies.
Article 26:  Sample and Research of Animal Feed
Manufacturers who produce animal feed, ingredients of animal feed, feed additives shall keep sample and research animal feed at the labs where have the conditions and comply to principles, procedures and research strategy as prescribed by ministry of agriculture and forestry.   
Article 27: Planting, Processing and Using animal feed in Farm
Farmers who plant, process and use animal feed in farms shall comply as fowling:
1.    Good management of grassland by having rotation of grassland and be careful when use chemicals and pesticides.
2.    Select locations for growing plants of animal feed where have no risk of pollution and wasted water.
3.    Water which is used must not contain any substances which can be harmful to animal health.
4.    Use organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer and control pesticides such as quality, preservation as well as ensure the disposal measures.
5.    Process or mix animal feed shall select the appropriate location, clean equipment and packaging, high quality of ingredients and take notes in order to follow the processing of animal feed as regular basis. 
6.    Use correct types of animal feed, longevity of animals and equipment which is suitable. In case of using medicines in animal feed, shall pay attention about the end period of taking medicines before using each types of medicines.  
Article 28: Import Animal Feed
    Import animal feed for sale shall comply as following:
1.    Apply the business license of importing animal feed and register as prescribed in this decree.
2.    Ensure the container, packaging and labelling, preservation and transportation are safe.
3.    Ensure the quality as registered.
4.    Import via the border checkpoints where are permitted on import license and be inspected the validation from veterinary officers at the checkpoints.
5.    Comply to the procedures, conditions and standards of ministry as precrisbed by agriculture and forestry.
Article 29: Export Animal Feed
    Export animal feed shall comply as following:
1.    Apply the business license of exporting animal feed and register as prescribed in this decree.
2.    Export through the border checkpoints where are permitted on import license and be inspected the validation from veterinary officers at the checkpoints.
3.    Comply to the conditions and rules of importing and transiting counties.
4.    Comply to related regulations and rules of Lao PDR.
Article 30: Transit Animal Feed
    Transit animal feed shall comply as following:
1.    Apply for transit permit as prescribed in this decree.
2.    Export through the border checkpoints where are permitted on import license and be inspected the validation from veterinary officers at the checkpoints.
3.    Comply to the conditions and rules of importing and exporting counties.
4.    Ensure the transportation is safe and via the routes as prescribed. In a necessary case that shipment needs to be transferred, it shall be inspected and certified by veterinary officers and inform the veterinary officers at the checkpoints where goods will be exported.
5.    Comply to related regulations and rules, bilateral agreement or multilateral agreements as Lao PDR is a partner.
Article 31: Selling Animal Feed
    Selling animal feed shall comply as fowling:
1.    Apply for sale permit as prescribe in this decree.
2.    Ensure the container, packaging and labelling, preservation and transportation are safe.
3.    Preserve and transport following to the technic.
4.    Sell animal feed which has quality and safe as registered.
5.    Cooperate with veterinary officers in order to inspect the quality of animal feed.
Article 32: Unsafety Animal Feed
    Animal feed, which is not safe, is fake or deteriorating feed. Animal feed which is not registered or animal feed which has been cancelled the registration license.
    In case of finding the production, import, export, sell or transit of animal feed which is not safe, ministry of agriculture and forestry shall implement as following:
1.    Terminate the production, import, export, sell or transit by writing a letter.
2.    Recall animal feed and manufacturers, importers, seller or forwarders of animal feed shall be responsible for all costs that are related to recall and destroy.
3.    Announce the information of unsafe animal feed via journalists to public.

Section V
Operating Business on Animal Feed

Article 33: Operating Business on Animal Feed
    A person who intends to operate business on animal feed shall apply the complete application at industry and commerce sector as prescribed in Law on Enterprise. After receiving the enterprise registration license, operators shall apply the operating business license at agriculture and forestry sector.
Article 34: Types of Business on Animal Feed
    The types of business on animal feed as following:
1.    Produce animal feed
2.    Research animal feed
3.    Import animal feed
4.    Export animal feed
5.    Transit animal feed
6.    Sell animal feed
7.    Other business which are related to animal feed.
Article 35: Animal Feed Which is Exempted for Applying Business License
    Animal feed that is exempted for applying business license as below:
1.    Animal feed which is produced in government farms which purposes to treat animals for promote or research.
2.    Animal feed which is planted, harvested, processed or mixed to treat animals for consumption in own family.
3.    Animal feed which is imported for promote, research, test or other advantages by the government agreement but is not allowed to sell.
4.    Sample of animal feed which is imported for registering animal feed.
    Animal feed producers or importers that are exempted for applying the permit shall report and inform the recipes of animal feed to agriculture and forestry sector as requested.
Article 36: Conditions of Business Operators of Animal Feed
   A person who intends to operate business on animal feed shall has the conditions as following:
1.    Have funds, office, construction, equipment, vehicle
2.    Have veterinarian or technical officer on livestock which has a bachelor degree or higher and have the experiences on animal feed at least 2 years by having the certification of producing and researching animal feed.
3.    Have sufficient human resource for operating other animal feed business
4.    Never violate any regulations which are related to animal feed
5.    Healthy
6.    Other conditions as necessary as prescribed by ministry of agriculture and forestry.
     Article 37: Documents for Applying the Permit
     The documents which need to be prepared for applying the operating business license on animal feed as following:
1.    Request letter as formatted by livestock and fisheries as prescribed.
2.    Copy of identity card or family book, authorized letter of representative in case another person applies for the license instead.
3.    Copy of enterprise registration license or copy of investment license.
4.    The proposal of Economic-technical analysis or plans or project.
5.    Environmental certification from natural resource and environment sector.
6.    Other documents as necessary requested by agriculture and forestry sector.
Article 38: Consideration on Approving Business License of Animal Feed
     After agriculture and forestry sector receives the correct and complete documents, the location has been inspected. Application shall be taken into the consideration for operating business permit in according to the level of management as following:
1.    Production is over than 4000 tons/year, import, export and transit animal feed is over than 3000 tons/year. Department of livestock and fisheries will be in charge.
2.    Production is lower than 4000 tons/year, import is lower than 3000 tons/year and sell is over 500 tons/year. Provincial of agriculture and forestry department will be in charge.
3.    Sell is lower than 500 tons/year. The office of agriculture and forestry in city will be in charge.
The consideration for approving the business license on animal feed shall follow the schedule as below:
1.    20 days for producing animal feed.
2.    15 days for importing animal feed.
3.    5 working days for selling, exporting and transiting animal feed.
In case the operating business license cannot be issued in accordance with the schedule, authorities shall inform the reason to applicants.
Article 39: Use of Animal Feed Business License
The operating business license is valid for using as below:
1.    Operating business license on producing animal feed is valid 3 years.
2.    Operating business license on exporting animal feed is valid 2 years.
3.    Operating business license on importing, selling and transiting animal feed is valid 1 years.
Before the expire date of the license 30 days, operators shall apply for extending the license at agriculture and forestry sector. This agency shall review in order to make a decision for approving the extending request within 15 days from the date of receiving the applications.
In case the license has been damaged or destroyed, operators shall inform agriculture and forestry sector and complete the forms in order to obtain a new license within 15 days from the date of the license is damaged or destroyed. If exceeding such period, it is considered as waiver.
Article 40: Rights and Obligations of Business Operators on Animal Feed
     Busines operators have the rights and obligations as following:
1.    Research and certify the quality of animal feed, sustain the inspected information and certificate at least 2 years, as well as keep the sample of feed which has been inspected the quality at least 6 months.
2.    Gain the information on animal feed.
3.    Obtain the policy to protect other rights fairly as prescribed by laws.
4.    Be a core to maintain the security, use all strategies to prevent unsafe animal feed which can be harmful to people, animals and environment as well aa be responsible for any damages that happen from business.  
5.    Petition to relevant organizations who have the rights and role on the violation of law of officials and veterinarians.
6.    Operate busines in accordance with the permit, technical standards and regulations strictly.
7.    Produce, mix, process, preserve and transport animal feed in according to sanitary principles and technical standards.
8.    Train the human resource to aware about the responsibilities and quality preservation and security of animal feed.
9.    Label the business location where publics can see clearly. 
10.    Create the recording system and databases on producing, testing, importing, exporting and selling. The information shall be kept at least 3 years.
11.    Support funds or labors in term of developing the quality of animal feed.
12.    Cooperate, provide the information and facilitate the officers and veterinarians.
13.    Pay fee, service fee and other obligations as prescribed by laws and regulations.
Article 41: Relocation, Termination, Business Transfer
      Business operators who intend to relocation for producing, warehouse or animal feed stores or terminate business shall inform the agriculture and forestry sector by writing a letter within 15 days before move or terminate business as well as sell, distribute or use plenty of animal feed.
    For business transfer, receiver shall comply to the obligations as transferor.
Article 42: Suspension of Business Operation
     Busines operation on animal feed shall be suspended in the cases as following:
1.    Purpose by operators
2.    Operators do not comply to the warning of agriculture and forestry sector.
3.    Operators do not comply to the regulations and permission.
     The suspension shall be informed by writing letter to operators in order to improve, address within 90 days.
Article 43: Cancelation of Operating Business License
     Animal feed business will be cancelled in case of operators do not improve or address in accordance with the time period of cancelled notification.
     The plenty of animal feed or ingredients of animal feed of the operator who has been cancelled the license can be sold or give to others within 90 days from the date of receiving the official notification of license cancelation.
Article 44: Purpose or Appeal the Suspension or Cancelation of Operating Business License
     A person who is suspended or cancelled the operating business license on animal feed can purpose or appeal to the organization which cancel or suspend the license in order to consider eliminating if can investigate that operator has completely complies to the conditions and regulations or evidences which can be certified the reasons of suspension or cancelation of operating business license does not correct.

Section VI

Article 45: Prohibitions for a Person who Obtains the License and Permit on Animal Feed
     A person who obtains the license or permit on animal feed shall not perform as following:
1.    Establish business at the location where is not permitted
2.    Produce, import, export and sell unsafe animal feed, unregistered animal feed or animal feed which has been terminated the license
3.    Imitate animal feed products which others register already
4.    Sell animal feed which does not on the list and animal feed which is fake and does not meet the standards, expired feed and deteriorated feed.
5.    Transfer or provide the rental of business license or permit
6.    Use dangerous substances or other substances which are prohibited to mix in animal feed such as pesticides and or poison metals.
7.    Use antibiotics, hormones or other substances mix in animal feed exceeding the standards as prescribed by regulations
8.    Use containers which is poison or inappropriate for packing animal feed such as bags or chemical fertilizer, reuse animal feed’s bags
9.    Display animal feed at stores with chemicals that can harm to animals such as pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and other toxic chemicals 
10.    Exaggerate advertisement of animal feed without scientific evidences
11.    Imitate or disclose the secrete of registration details for economic advantages or damage the reputation of a person who already registered 
12.    Hoard animal feed for trading profits
13.    Give tips to officials or cooperate to defraud the state and animal feed users
14.    Threat, use violence and inappropriate language to staff and officials
15.     Refuse the responsibilities, avoid, distort or hide the inspection by officials
16.    Perform others activities which are break a law.
Article 46: Prohibitions for Government Officials and Veterinarians 
     Government officials and veterinarians shall not perform as following:
1.    Use rights, duties, positions to threat, force for their own benefits, family, cousin and their own people
2.    Ask, request, receive tips from individual, legal entity and organizations
3.    Perform the duties as a careless, ignore and lack of responsibility on the tasks
4.    Press down, push down, imitate the documents, issue incorrect document or destroy document
5.    Request charges and service fee which have been prescribed on the regulations
6.    Disclose the secrete of government, individual, legal entity or organizations
7.    Distort the truth, hide and protect or cooperate with offenders
8.    Perform others activities which are break a law.
Article 47: Prohibitions for Animal Feed Users
     Animal feed users shall not perform as following:
1.    Defamatory advertisements or have performance that can damage authorized person
2.    Use animal feed which is not registered or not follow the guideline of manufacturers or veterinarians
3.    Perform others activities which are break a law.

Section VII
Management of Inspection of Animal Feed

Article 48: The Management and Inspection Organization on Animal Feed
     Ministry of agriculture and forestry is in charge and a core agency in order to cooperate with ministries, organizations and local relevant authorities in term of mange and inspect animal feed.
     The management and inspection organization consists as below:
1.    Ministry of agriculture and forestry, department of livestock and fisheries as a secretariate 
2.    Provincial of agriculture and forestry department, livestock and fisheries section as a secretariate 
3.    Agriculture and forestry office in city, livestock and fisheries unit as a secretariate 
Article 49: Rights and Duties of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
     The ministry of agriculture and forestry has the rights and duties in accordance with the scope of responsibilities as following:
1.    Research to create the policies, strategic plans, laws and regulations as related to animal feed and purpose the government to consider.
2.    Expand the policies, strategic plans, laws and regulations as related to animal feed to be a plans, projects and rules for implementing.
3.    Advertise, disclose the policies, strategic plans, laws and regulations, plans, projects and rules as related to animal feed
4.    Approve to establish, suspend or cancel the operating business license on animal feed
5.    Register, define the list, certify the standards of good production, research the quality, approve the advertisement, import, export and sell
6.    Issue, suspend or eliminate the decision, order and notification on animal feed
7.    Monitor, inspect the working implementation of animal feed by cooperating with relevant agencies and local authorities
8.    Appoint the veterinarians to assist the development, inspection and monitor of animal feed to be efficient and effective
9.    Enhance human resource as well as enrich the subconscious on animal feed to all sectors in society by cooperating with relevant agencies and local authorities
10.    Receive and consider in order to solve the requirements from individual, legal entities, or organizations with related to animal feed
11.    Cooperate with ministries, internal and external organizations with related to animal feed
12.    Report the implementing task on animal feed to government in regular basis
13.    Use the rights and perform the duties as described by regulations.
Article 50: Rights and Duties of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Department
     Provincial agriculture and forestry department has the rights and duties in accordance with the scope of responsibilities as following:
1.    Expand the policies, strategic plans, laws and regulations as related to animal feed to be a plans, projects and rules for implementing.
2.    Advertise, disclose the policies, strategic plans, laws and regulations, plans, projects and rules as related to animal feed to publics and all sectors to aware and understand
3.    Approve to establish, suspend or cancel the operating business license on animal feed
4.    Issue, suspend or eliminate the decision, order and notification on animal feed
5.    Monitor, inspect the working implementation of animal feed by cooperating with relevant agencies and local authorities
6.    Appoint the veterinarians to assist the development, inspection and monitor of animal feed to be efficient and effective
7.    Enhance human resource as well as enrich the subconscious on animal feed to all sectors in society by cooperating with relevant agencies and local authorities
8.    Encourage, monitor and evaluate the implementing task of agriculture and forestry office in city with related to animal feed
9.    Receive and consider in order to solve the requirements from individual, legal entities, or organizations with related to animal feed
10.    Cooperate with line departments, offices in city and provincial level and other relevant sectors in implementing the task of animal feed
11.    Report the implementing task on animal feed to ministry of agriculture and forestry and provincial management authority in regular basis
12.    Use the rights and perform the duties as described by regulations.
Article 51: Rights and Duties of Agriculture and Forestry Office in City level
     Agriculture and forestry office in city level has the rights and duties in accordance with the scope of responsibilities as following:
1.    Implement the policies, strategic plans, laws and regulations, plans, projects and rules as related to animal feed
2.    Disclose the policies, strategic plans, laws and regulations, plans, projects and rules as related to animal feed to publics and all sectors to aware and understand
3.    Approve to establish, suspend or cancel the operating business license on animal feed
4.    Issue, suspend or eliminate the decision, order and notification on animal feed
5.    Monitor, inspect the working implementation of animal feed by cooperating with relevant agencies and local authorities
6.    Purpose to enhance human resource as well as enrich the subconscious on animal feed to all sectors in society by cooperating with relevant agencies and local authorities
7.    Purpose provincial agriculture and forestry department to consider the appointment or transfer officials, veterinarians in city level
8.    Receive and consider in order to solve the requirements from individual, legal entities, or organizations with related to animal feed
9.    Coordinate with line agencies in implementing the task of animal feed
10.    Summarize and report the implementing task on animal feed to provincial agriculture and forestry department, mayor, head of municipality in regular basis
11.    Use the rights and perform the duties as described by regulations.
Article 52: Rights and Duties of Other Agencies and Sectors
     Other agencies and sectors have the rights and duties on coordinating with the agriculture and forestry sector in according to their roles and responsibilities in term of implementing the policies, strategic plans, laws and regulations as related to animal feed to efficient and effective. To manage the quality and security of animal feed for treating animals.
Article 53: Rights and Duties of Veterinarians 
     The veterinarians have the rights and duties in order to mange and inspect animal feed as following:
1.    Disclose the policies, strategic plans, laws and regulations, plans, projects and rules as related to animal feed to publics and all sectors to aware and understand
2.    Inspect the areas or production, research area of animal feed, import, export, transit, stores, warehouse, vehicles and a place where animal feed is used
3.    Inspect, occupy, seize animal feed which is not permitted and met the standards, deteriorated feed, unregister feed and animal feed which the license has been cancelled. As well as purpose to the animal feed management organization in higher level and relevant authorities to enforce the necessary measures such as stop vehicles for inspection or go to the suspicious and target places
4.    Fine a person who is break a law and regulations with related to animal feed
5.    Receive, record the complaints, ask and check the documents, initial comments which are seem to violate the laws on animal feed
6.    Sample animal feed for testing the quality and use as a proof
7.    Train a person who is violence the laws and regulations of animal feed
8.    Summarize the result of inspection and arrange the documents sends to the animal feed management organization in higher level or investigative officers in order to address or prosecute in accordance with the laws
9.    Perform the rights and the duties as described by regulations.
Article 54: Contents of Inspection
     The inspection of animal feed has the contents as following:
1.    Comply to the laws and regulations as related to animal feed
2.    The implementing duties of officers and veterinarians
3.    Operate business for producing, importing, exporting, transiting and selling animal feed of a person who obtains the technical permit including the use of animal feed by livestock farmers 
4.    Create and implement the plans on animal feed
Article 55: Inspection section
The inspection of animal feed has three sections as following:
1.    Normal inspection is the regular inspection which is planned and has time schedule
2.    The inspection which is notified in advance is the unplan inspection when it is necessary by informing the target of inspection in advance
3.    Immediate inspection is the urgent of inspection which does not inform the target of inspection in advance.
 The inspection shall be strictly complied to the laws.

Section VIII
Policies to Outstanding Individuals and Measures to Violators

Article 56: Policies to Outstanding Individuals
      Individual, legal entity or organizations that have outstanding performance in term of implementing this Decision, especially operating business on animal feed which has met the technical standards, quality and safety will be praised and obtain other policies in accordance with the regulations.

Article 57: Measures to Violators
     Individual, legal entity or organizations that violate this decision in particular on the prohibitions shall to be educated, warned, fined or punished in light or severe case.
Article 58: Educated Measure
     Individual, legal entity or organizations that violate this decision in particular on the prohibitions in light shall to be warned and educated.
Article 59: Disciplinary Measure
     Authorities and government officers that violate this decision in particular on the prohibitions which is not the criminal offenses, create the damage but there is no sincerity to report will be disciplined as prescribed by government official law.
Article 60: Penalty Measure
     Individual, legal entity or organizations that violate this decision shall be fined in the cases as following:
1.    Operate business which is not permitted as well as already be educated but still have criminal performance shall be fined 20% of the total amount of feed and animal feed will be suspended and seized.
2.    Produce, import, export or sell animal feed which is registered, animal feed which the license has been cancelled and operators has been educated to register but still have no changes shall be fined 40% of the total amount of feed and animal feed will be suspended and seized.
3.    Produce, import, export or sell animal feed which does not meet the standards and deteriorating animal feed shall be fined 60% of the total amount of feed and animal feed will be suspended and seized.
4.    Produce, import, export or sell fake animal feed, animal feed which contains the dangerous substances that can be harm to animal and consumer’s health shall be fined double of the total amount of feed and animal feed will be canceled and seized.
Article 61: Civil Measures
     Individual, legal entity or organizations that violate this Decision which can create the damage of government, society or other individuals’ benefits shall be responsible for all costs that happened.
Article 62: Criminal Measures
     Individual, legal entity which violates this Decision as criminal shall be punished in accordance with the laws.

Section IX
Final Provisions

Article 63: Implementation
    Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is in charge to coordinate with related agencies in order to implement this Decree effectively.
    Ministries, government organizations, local authorities and relevant agencies shall acknowledge and implement this Decree strictly.
Article 64: Effectiveness
    This Decision shall be effective form the date of signature and publish on Lao official gazette 15 days.
    Any Decisions or regulations which are against to this Decision shall be terminated.
    Animal feed which is not registered before enforcing this decree, business operators on animal feed shall apply for registration at Livestock and Fisheries department within 120 days from the date of this Decree be effective.
Representative of Lao government

Prime Minister

Thongloun Sisoulith


# Title Download
1 Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 PDF
2 ດໍາລັດ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ອາຫານສັດ, ເລກທີ 02/ລບ, ລົງວັນທີ 02 ມັງກອນ 2020 PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Import permit requirement for animal feeds Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry the import of animal feeds must be permitted by the department of livestock and fisheries or the provincial/capital department of livestock and fisheries Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
2 Importer Registration Requirement - Animal Feeds Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry People who wish to run businesses on the import of animal feeds have to be permitted by the department of livestock and fisheries. Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
3 Registered Exporter Requirement - Animal Feeds Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry People who wish to run export businesses on animal feeds must be permitted by the department of livestock and fisheries Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
4 Registration Requirement - Imported Animal Feeds Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Imported animal feeds must be registered with the department of livestock and fisheries Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
5 Export Registration Requirement - Animal Feeds Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry the export of animal feeds must be registered with the department of livestock and fisheries Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
6 Packaging Requirement - Imported Animal Feeds TBT Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Imported animal feeds must be stored and packaged in containers that can guarantee the safety Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
7 Labeling Requirement - Imported Animal Feeds TBT Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Imported animal feeds must be labelled with Lao and English content as specified Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
8 Storage Requirement - Imported Animal Feeds SPS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Imported animal feeds must be stored and transported as stipulated Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
9 Specified Border Requirement - Import of Animal Feeds General Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Animal Feeds must be imported through the international border as specified in the import permit. Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
10 Specified Border Requirement - Export of Animal Feeds General Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Animal feeds must be exported through the international border as specified in export permit Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
11 Inspection Requirement - Export of Animal Feeds Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Exports of animal feeds must be inspected by veterinarians at port of customs for its conformity. Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
12 Inspection Requirement - Import of Animal Feeds Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Imports of animal feeds must be inspected by veterinarians at port of customs for its conformity. Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
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