Section 1 - General Provisions

Article 1. Purpose
Article 2. Definition of Terms
Article 3. Scope of Application

Section 2 - Rights and requirements for Car Import and Distribution

Article 4. Rights and Requirements for Importation of Cars
Article 5. Rights and Requirements for Distribution of Cars

Section 3 - Car Import Licensing Procedures

Article 6. Application for Car Import License
Article 7. Required Documents for Car Import License Application
Article 8. Car Import License
Article 9. Fees and Charges
Article 10. Provision of Documents upon Actual Importation

Section 4 - Final Provisions

Article 11. Implementation
Article 12. Effectiveness

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Industry and Commerce  No.0075/MOIC.DIMEX
Vientiane Capital, dated 13 January 2012

On the Procedures for Car Import and Distribution in the Lao PDR

The Minister of Ministry of Industry and Commerce hereby issues the following Decision:

Section 1
General Provisions

Article 1. Purpose
   This Decision sets out procedures for car import and distribution in the Lao PDR. This Decision has no purpose to restrict the quantity or value for importation, but only for statistical and import monitoring purposes through the automatic import licensing regime. Top

Article 2. Definition of Terms
   In this Decision , ‘car’ means all the road vehicles with machine as defined in the Lao PDR’s Customs Nomenclature as follows: 8701.20; 8701.30.20; 8701.90; 8702; 8703; 8704; 8705 and 8711, except for light road vehicles with three wheels (8704.31). Top

Article 3. Scope of Application
   This Decision applies to the import and distribution of cars in the Lao PDR. Top

Section 2
Rights and requirements for Car Import and Distribution

Article 4. Rights and Requirements for Importation of Cars
   Any individual, entity and organization located in or outside the Lao PDR has the Rights to import cars to the Lao PDR in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the Lao PDR. Top

Article 5. Rights and Requirements for Distribution of Cars
   Car distribution enterprises registered under Lao PDR law have the rights to distribute cars in the Lao PDR.
   Car distribution enterprises shall comply with the following requirements:

  1. Be an authorized dealer of an automaker or its subsidiary;
  2. Have a showroom or distribution store; and
  3. Have after-sale services facilities. Top

Section 3
Car Import Licensing Procedures

Article 6. Application for Car Import License
   The import of cars shall obtain an import license from the Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Top

Article 7. Required Documents for Car Import License Application
   Documents required for applying for a car import license are as follows:

  1. Application for car import license;
  2. Copy of the following:
  • Valid Enterprise Registration Certificate or Concession Registration Certificate (for enterprises located in the Lao PDR); or
  • Valid enterprise registration certificate issued by the competent authority of the relevant country (for enterprises located outside the Lao PDR).
  1. Any documents in foreign language shall be accompanied with its Lao translation as certified by the Notary Office of Lao PDR. Top

Article 8. Car Import License
   The issuance, modification and term of car import licenses shall follow the Goods Import Licensing procedures No.180/PM, dated 07 July 2009.
   The import license is not transferrable. Top

Article 9. Fees and Charges
   Fees and charges for the issuance and modification of car import licenses shall follow the Presidential Edict No.03/P, dated 19 November 2008 on ‘‘Fees and Services Charges’’. Top

Article 10. Provision of Documents upon Actual Importation
   Upon actual importation, importers shall provide the following documents to the customs authority:

  1. Car import license as issued under this decision; and
  2. Other required documents as per customs regulations. Top

Section 4
Final Provisions

Article 11. Implementation
   Department of Import and Export shall actively coordinate with relevant authorities to implement this Decision accordingly and effectively. Top

Article 12. Effectiveness
   This Decision shall be effective 30 days after the date of signature and replaces Decision on the Administration of Car Import and Distribution in the Lao PDR No.0919/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 12 May 2009. Top

Minister of Industry and Commerce
[Signed and Sealed]
Dr. Nam Viyaketh

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1 Decision On the Procedures for Car Import and Distribution in the Lao PDR No.0075/MOIC.DIMEX PDF
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Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Requirement to obtain import license - Road Vehicles Licensing Requirement Ministry of Industry and Commerce Road vehicle, except road vehicle with three wheels (8701.20; 8701.30.20; 8701.90; 8702; 8703; 8704; 8705 ແລະ 8711) shall obtain an import license from DIMEX, MOIC and shall meet requirement as specified by MPWT
  1. Decision On the Procedures for Car Import and Distribution in the Lao PDR No.0075/MOIC.DIMEX
  2. Governmental Decree on the Management of Land Vehicles No. 470/GOL on 27 December 2019.
9999-12-31 ALL
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