Law on business competition no. 60/NA, dated 14 July 2015 indicates principles, rules and measures to administer and monitor business competition in order to ensure justice, transparency and equality in accordance with laws. It aims to resist inequitable competition and protect rights and benefit of the government, business operators and consumers to integrate into regional and international economy as part of contribution to national socio-economic development. The law defines key principles of business competition as follows:

  1. Ensure consistency with policy, laws and regulations;
  2. Ensure rights and benefits of the government, business operators and consumers;
  3. Ensure equality, transparency, and justice in business competition;
  4. Ensure good production, goods distribution and services;
  5. Ensure conforming with international treaties and agreements that Lao PDR is a party to.

The law was published in Lao official gazette on 24 Nov 2015 and entered into force on 9 Dec 2015.

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