According to the agreement of the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Sub-Committee on Rules of Origin (AANZSC-ROO), Ministry of Industry and Commerce issued a Notification on the Promulgation of the new AANZ Form, No. 0075/MoIC.DIMEX.CO.002, dated 13 January 2016 to local authorities who are in charge of Certificate of Origin particularly Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce, Executive Board of Special Economic Zone and Specific Economic Zone, National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and entrepreneurs to be informed about the promulgation of the new form for AANZ Certificate of Origin.

The new form for AANZ Certificate of Origin is revised box 7, 9 and information No. 5, 7 and 9 on the back of the form in order to clarify origin and destination of product in details in accordance with Rules of Origin and to ease inspection for authorities. For other information on the form it still remains the same.

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