You should follow this procedure if you are intending to import any food products.  Food products are products of animal or vegetable origin that have been processed or packaged.  If you are importing livestock or fresh or frozen fish please refer to the relevant procedures for these products. Click here to view these procedures.


Note 1

A trader wishing to import food products must present various documents to the Department of Food of the Ministry of Health in order to obtain an Import Permit.  The trader must use the prescribed form.  Click here to view a sample.

Note 2

Click here to view an application form.

Note 3

The application must be accompanied by a number of supporting documents that will enable the Ministry of Health to assess the product.  These documents may include an Analysis Certificate or other certificates.  These certificates are usually listed on the application form but, if in doubt, you should seek guidance from the relevant department of the Ministry of Health

Note 4

The Ministry of Health will issue the Import Permit.  This document must be presented to Customs and to the Ministry of Health Inspector at the border when importing the goods.

Note 5

The trader may now proceed with the normal Import procedure (click here to view).

Note 6

When the goods arrive at the border the trader must present himself to the Ministry of Health Officer who will check the documents and will carry out a physical inspection of the products to allow the consignment to be cleared.

# Title Description Issued By File
1 Request for Food Import Permit Request for Food Import Permit Ministry of Health PDF
2 Import Permit (Food) Import Permit (Food) Ministry of Health PDF
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Requirement to obtain an import permit - Food For all food it is necessary to obtain an import permit for every importation from the Department of Food of the Ministry of Health. Permit Requirement Ministry of Health To ensure the quality and safety of product to consumer. Decision on the Control on Production, Exportation-Importation of Food, No. 856/MoH, date 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
2 Certificate requirement from exporting country for imported food the import of food, importers must obtain a certificate issued by the exporting such as a Free Sale Certificate, GHP, GMP, HACCP, ISO 22000 or other certificates for a consideration of approval by the department of food and drug, ministry of health or the provincial/capital department of food and drug. SPS Ministry of Health To ensure the quality and safety of products for consumers Decision on Food Inspection No. 297/MOH 9999-12-31 Good
3 Composition of Ingredients in Iodized Salt Imported iodized salt must contain prescribed quantities of certain substances and conform to various minimum quality standards. SPS Ministry of Health To ensure the safety of product to consumer in order to eradicate iodine deficiency disorder. Provision On Iodized Salt standard No. 102/MOH 9999-12-31 Good
4 Packaging requirements for Iodized Salt Imported iodized salt must be packed into specific types of containers. SPS Ministry of Health To maintain the quality of salt for the safety of consumers. Provision On Iodized Salt standard No. 102/MOH 9999-12-31 Good
5 Labelling Requirement for Iodized Salt Imported iodized salt must conform to prescribed labelling requirements. TBT Ministry of Health To provide information of quality and application to customer for the safety of consumers Provision On Iodized Salt standard No. 102/MOH 9999-12-31 Good
6 Storage Requirements for Iodized Salt Imported iodized salt should be stored under certain prescribed conditions. SPS Ministry of Health To maintain the quality of salt for the safety of consumer’s health. Provision On Iodized Salt standard No. 102/MOH 9999-12-31 Good
7 service fees - export certificate of foods and drugs fees charged on issuing the export certificate of foods and drugs in english is 50,000 kip/time Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Health For technical management and to support expenditure of state budget The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-31 Good
8 service fee - import license of foods - fees charged on issuing the import license of foods for company is 50,000 kip/invoice/time. - service fees charged on issuing the import license of foods for retail traders is 20,000 kip/time. - service fees charged on issuing the registration of imported foods (supplementary foods) is 50,000 kip/time Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Health For technical management and to support expenditure of state budget The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-31 Good
9 service fee - import document scrutiny - service fees charged on the scrutiny of import documents of foods at the department of food and drug or the provincial department of food and drug is 50,000 kip/invoice/time - service fee charged on the scrutiny of import documents of foods including attaching barcode, 1 barcode equals 1 time at border is 20,000 kip/invoice/time Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Health For technical management and to support expenditure of state budget The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-06 Good
10 Labelling Requirement for Imported Food All food imported into Laos must be labelled indicating the correct details and information about the food TBT Ministry of Health For the protection of consumers' health Law on Food (Amended) No. 33/NA, dated 24 July 2013 9999-12-31 Good
11 Export Inspection Requirement of food Food and Drug Department may issue certificates of health, certificates of analysis or other necessary documents required by importing country. Therefore inspection for export is required by Food and Drug Department. Inspection Requirement Ministry of Health To ensure that the quality of food product is in compliance with standards prescribed by the importing country. Law on Food (Amended) No. 33/NA, dated 24 July 2013 9999-12-31 Good
12 Substances contain in Drinking Water in Closed Container Substances of drinking water in closed container imported and distributed in Lao PDR must comply with the specified safety standards by Ministry of Health SPS Ministry of Health For the protection of consumer's health Decision on Drinking Water in Closed Container no. 585/MOH, dated 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
13 Charge fee - Registration Fee for Imported Food Registration Fee for Imported Food is 400,000 Kip per 2 years/list Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Health For administrative revenue collection of state The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-31 Good
14 service fee - inspection of the export of foods service fee charged on the inspection of food for export of 50,000 Kip/invoice/time Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Health For technical management and to support expenditure of state budget The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-31 Good
15 Inspection requirement for exporting Drug Export drugs must be inspected by the public health officers at checkpoint borders. Inspection Requirement Ministry of Health To ensure the quality and safety of products for customer Law on Drugs and Medical Products No. 07/NA, dated 21 December 2011 9999-12-31 Good
16 Microbiological of Drinking Water in Closed Container Microbiological of drinking water in closed container imported and distributed in Lao PDR must comply with the specified safety standards by Ministry of Health SPS Ministry of Health For the protection of consumer's health Decision on Drinking Water in Closed Container no. 585/MOH, dated 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
17 Labelling Requirement for Drinking Water in Closed Container Drinking water in closed container imported and distributed in Lao PDR must be labelled as the specified safety standards by Ministry of Health TBT Ministry of Health For the protection of consumer's health Decision on Drinking Water in Closed Container no. 585/MOH, dated 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
18 Packaging requirement for Drinking Water in Closed Container Drinking water in closed container imported and distributed in Lao PDR must be packed as the specified safety standards by Ministry of Health SPS Ministry of Health For the protection of consumer's health Decision on Drinking Water in Closed Container no. 585/MOH, dated 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
19 Hygiene for Drinking Water in Closed Container Production of Drinking water in closed container imported and distributed in Lao PDR shall comply with the good hygiene practice as by Ministry of Health SPS Ministry of Health For the protection of consumer's health Decision on Drinking Water in Closed Container no. 585/MOH, dated 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
20 Storage and Transport requirement for Drinking Water in Closed Container Drinking water in closed container imported and distributed in Lao PDR shall be stored and transported as specified by Ministry of Health SPS Ministry of Health For the protection of consumer's health Decision on Drinking Water in Closed Container no. 585/MOH, dated 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
21 Requirement to obtain export permit - Narcotic Drugs, Nerve Affecting Substances and Basic Chemical Substances To export Narcotic Drugs, Nerve Affecting Substances and Basic Chemical Substances, it is necessary to obtain an export permit from MOH of Lao PDR. Permit Requirement Ministry of Health For the protection of human's health Decision on the Management of Narcotic Drugs, Nerve Affecting Substances and Basic Chemical Substances no. 456/MOF, dated 19 April 2006 9999-12-31 Good
22 Requirement for import of food through designated border point Food may only be imported through border points designated by Food and Drug Department of the Ministry of Health. General Ministry of Health To ensure the quality and safety of product to customer Decision on Food Inspection No. 297/MOH 9999-12-31 Good
23 Substances added in Imported Food Substances contained in Food should comply with the Codex Standard for food additives (Codex STAN 192-1995) SPS Ministry of Health To ensure the quality and safety of products for consumers Decision on the Control on Production, Exportation-Importation of Food, No. 856/MoH, date 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
24 Storage requirement - Import Food Imported Food must be stored in good condition according to the characteristic of each product SPS Ministry of Health To ensure the quality and safety of products for consumers Decision on the Control on Production, Exportation-Importation of Food, No. 856/MoH, date 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
25 Hygienic Requirement - Import Food Production of Import food shall comply with the good hygiene practice as by Ministry of Health SPS Ministry of Health For the protection of consumers' health Decision on the Control on Production, Exportation-Importation of Food, No. 856/MoH, date 12 May 2006 9999-12-31 Good
26 Requirement to obtain import permit - Alcohol Beverage Imported alcohol beverage shall be obtained import permit from Ministry of Health Permit Requirement Ministry of Health To protect people's life and health Law on Alcohol Control No. 54/NA, dated 19 December 2014 9999-12-31 Good
27 Certificate requirement issued by exporting country - Alcohol Beverage Imported alcohol beverage shall be obtained certificates issued by exporting country such as: quality certificate, health certificate, et. and present such documents with application form to Ministry of Health TBT Ministry of Health To protect people's life and health Law on Alcohol Control No. 54/NA, dated 19 December 2014 9999-12-31 Good
28 Inspection requirement - Import Alcohol Beverage Imported alcohol beverage shall be inspected the quality by health officer Inspection Requirement Ministry of Health To protect people's life and health Law on Alcohol Control No. 54/NA, dated 19 December 2014 9999-12-31 Good
29 Inspection requirement - Tobacco Import Imported tobacco shall be inspected by health officer at the border Inspection Requirement Ministry of Health To ensure the imported tobacco complies with labelling requirement as indicated by Ministry of Health Law on cigarette controlled No 09/NA, date 16 Nov 2021. 9999-12-31 Good
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