In reference to the National Defense Minister’s Decision on the management of industrial explosive materials No. 2450/MND dated 05 August 2010, an Instruction on rules regulating the import of industrial explosive materials No. 109/DNDI Dated 29 May 2012, a Notification on the procedures and reference of the import and export permission of explosive materials and raw materials used in the production of industrial blast No. 249/DNDO Dated 08 November 2011 and  the Prime Minister’s Decision on the rules regulating the management and the use of explosive substances in Lao PDR No.39/PM dated 12 July 2011. This decision was created to assure the management of industrial explosive materials used in the development of economy to prevent from hazardousness and to be used in engineering-related activities  such as the exploration, mining, and other construction projects  as well as assuring that the national and security defense and public safety work is effective as stipulated in the regulations of import and export of industrial explosive materials through the automatic and non-automatic import regime aiming to assure public safety, national security, and environment protection.

Importers wishing to import industrial explosive materials to be used in projects in Lao PDR must obtain a license of doing business in industrial explosive areas in coherence with laws and regulations, alongside with the submission of required documents as stipulated in the controlled products subject to automatic and non-automatic import and export license of Lao PDR No. 2151/MoIC.DIMEX dated 30 October 2010. Import procedures include:

  1. Importers prepare documents to be submitted as following:
  • An industrial explosive materials import or export request letter.
  • Purchasing order, invoice and packing list
  • Other required documents include:
  • A business contract of raw materials to be produced to industrial explosive materials made with foreign suppliers
  • An import and export license of organizations authorized by the exporting countries or from a foreign agencies.
  1. Importers to submit all of the aforementioned documents at the reception desk of the National Industrial Department under the Ministry of National Defense to consider the import request letter within 05-06 official working days.
  • In case of completion and accuracy, the National Defense Industrial Department shall consider issuing a permit within 03 official working days.
  • In case of inaccuracy, the National Defense Industrial Department will inform entrepreneurs to resubmit documents within 05-05 official working days.
  1. Once received complete and accurate documents, the National Defense Industrial Department will sign and issue the import permit of explosive substances, explosive cap, a mix of explosive chemicals and explosive equipment.
  2. Importers obtain permits and pay fees of 100.000 KIP at the National Defense Industrial Department.
  • In actual importation, importers shall submit a permit alongside with required documents to declare the import at customs border to proceed with the import of industrial explosive materials.
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