Chapter 1 - General Provisions

Article 1. Purpose
Article 2. Control of Movement of Animals and Animal Products
Article 3. Interpretation of Terms
Article 4. Basic Principles of Movement Control
Article 5. Scope of Application

Chapter 2 - Domestic Movement Control

Article 6. Control and Inspection of Domestic Movement
Article 7. Movement Prohibition in the Red Zone
Article 8. Movement Prohibition in the Yellow Zone
Article 9. Application for Movement
Article 10. Submission of Applications for Movement in a Yellow Zone
Article 11. Animal Movement Inspection and Authorization in the Yellow Zone
Article 12. Movement Inspection and Authorization In the Yellow Zone
Article 13. General Movement
Article 14. The Movement of Animals, Animal Products and Animal Related Items
Article 15. Suspension of the Movement or Alternative Route of the Movement
Article 16. Cancellation Of Movement Authorization
Article 17. Obligations of Owners And Carriers Of Animals To Be Moved

Chapter 3 - Import

Article 18. Import Requirements
Article 19. Import Regulation
Article 20. List of Animals and Animal Products
Article 21. Import Permit Application
Article 22. Document Inspection and Authorization
Article 23. Suspension of import permits
Article 24. Procedures for Imports
Article 25. Import Inspections
Article 26. Post-entry Inspections
Article 27. Cancellation of Import Permits
Article 28. Collaboration of Authorities
Article 29. Declaration
Article 30. Accompanied Pet Animals

Chapter 4 - Export

Article 31. Application for Export
Article 32. Procedures for Export Inspection and Certification
Article 33. Issuance of the Export Certification
Article 34. Procedure of Inspection and Export
Article 35. Accompanied Pet Animals

Chapter 5 - Animals and Animal Products in Transit

Article 36. Permit for Transit
Article 37. Transit Procedures and Requirements

Chapter 6 - Regulations on Transport and Movement

Article 38. Regulations on Transport with Vehicles
Article 39. Regulations on Movement without Vehicles

Chapter 7 - Livestock and Veterinary Management

Article 40. Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority
Article 41. Rights and Responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Article 42. Rights and Responsibilities of the Authority at PAFO Level
Article 43. Rights and Responsibilities of the Authority at DAFO Level
Article 44. Rights and Responsibilities of the International Exit and Entry Checkpoints
Article 45. Rights and Responsibilities of Village Livestock and Veterinary Units

Chapter 8 - Veterinary Inspection and Appeal

Article 46. Veterinary Inspections
Article 47. Written Report
Article 48. Appeals

Chapter 9 - Final Provisions

Article 49. Implementation
Article 50. Entry into force


Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Government           No. 230/GoL
Vientiane Capital, dated 4 June 2012

On the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products

  • Pursuant to the amended Law on Government No. 02/NA, dated 6 May 2003;
  • Pursuant to the Law on Livestock Production and Veterinary Matters No. 03/NA, dated 25 July 2008;
  • Pursuant to the Proposal of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No. 0752/MAF, dated 18 May 2012.

The Government issues the following Decree:

Chapter 1
General Provisions

Article 1. Purpose

This Decree sets out the principles, regulations and measures relating to the control of the movement of animals and animals products into, from and around the country for the purposes of disease prevention and control; to protect the health of humans and animals; for food security; and to contribute to socio -economic development and growth. Top

Article 2. Control of Movement of Animals and Animal Products

Control of the movement of animal and animal products refers to activities in monitoring and checking the compliance of documentation and performing veterinary inspections to control movement from one location to another, within the country and internationally. Top

Article 3. Interpretation of Terms

The terms used in this Decree have the following meanings:

  1. Accompanied pet animal means any animal accompanying the owner or person in charge of it, that is not used in relation to any commercial purpose;
  2. Inconsumable animal product means any part of an animal other than the meat, which has been separated from the carcass and including the carcass, bones, untanned hides, hooves, horns, claws, hair bristles, wool, feathers or meat scraps;
  3. Animal related item mean items used in packaging, container, equipment, or other tools for the purpose of the movement of animals and animal products;
  4. Animal used for breeding means any animal with a clear history of breed class/type used as parent stock for genetic material, production of offspring or for research;
  5. Carrier means any natural or legal person residing in Lao PDR or overseas, who moves animals, animal products and animal related items into, from and around the territory of Lao PDR, or in transit. 
  6. International Entry or Exit Checkpoint means an entry or exit point from the list of border points established by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority, that is responsible for the import or export of animals and animal products;
  7. Local checkpoint means any checkpoints established along province, Capital lines or along the circumference of Red or Yellow Zones as defined by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority;
  8. List of animal diseases means a list of diseases regulated by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority;
  9. Meat means all edible parts of an animal;
  10. Quarantine means official confinement of animals by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority for monitoring, surveillance, testing, treatment and research;
  11. Quarantine station means a temporary establishment where animals are maintained in isolation with no direct or indirect contact with other animals for a specified length of time for monitoring, surveillance, testing, treatment and research;
  12. Red Zone means the defined containment area in which are imposed stringent disease control measures, particularly the areas where there are  outbreak of a disease, or premises that are suspected of being infected or where there has been confirmed by the results of laboratory testing;
  13. Yellow Zone means the area around a Red Zone established to protect the health of animals nearest the Red Zone by using the basic measures of epidemiology;
  14. Vehicle means any method of transport by land, air or water;
  15. Veterinary drug means any substance, when applied in definite amounts or quantities, has an effect on the organism of eradicating the disease causes or diminishing the progress of the disease, of protecting against diseases or of stimulating animal growth and productivity;
  16. Unforeseen means an event which occurs during the transport of animals, animal products and/or animal related items from a veterinary checkpoint of the country of origin to that of Lao PDR. The mentioned event is beyond the control of any individual;
  17. Movement means the transfer of animals, animal products and/or animal related products from one place to another. Top

Article 4. Basic Principles of Movement Control

In order to control the movement of animals and/or animal products, animal health measures shall comply with the following principles:

(a). be applied to the extent necessary, and be based on the international standards, guidelines and recommendations to protect animal health;

(b). be based on risk assessment and be proportional to such risk;

(c). not be more stringent than necessary to meet the objectives of this Decree and shall not create unnecessary barriers to trade; and

(d). shall not discriminate between domestic or foreign products or producers, nor among foreign countries where identical similar conditions prevail.

  1. Lao PDR shall recognize as equivalent the animal health measures of exporting countries where such measures can be demonstrated by the exporting country to have equivalent results to those of Lao PDR or where such measure meets the appropriate level of protection of Lao PDR;
  2. Lao PDR recognizes foreign animal health measures where there has been a mutual agreement to this effect and where the measure applied meets the level of risk protection required by Lao PDR. Top

Article 5. Scope of Application

This Decree applies to offices, government agencies, local authorities, livestock groups, livestock associations, and agricultural associations, natural or legal persons relating to the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items domestically and internationally. The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at the central level shall periodically prepare a list of animals, animal products and animal related items. Top

Chapter 2
Domestic Movement Control

Article 6. Control and Inspection of Domestic Movement           

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall control and inspect the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items in cases where there is an outbreak, by setting up the confinement areas including the Red Zone, Yellow Zone and disease-free zone. Top

Article 7. Movement Prohibition in the Red Zone

Where there is a declaration of the Red Zone, no natural or legal person shall move any animal, animal product and/or animal related item relevant to the current disease outbreak into, around or out of such Zone. Top

Article 8. Movement Prohibition in the Yellow Zone

Where there is a declaration of a Yellow Zone, no natural or legal person shall move any animal, animal product and animal related item into, around or out of such Zone unless there is a written authorization from the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority. Top

Article 9. Application for Movement

Any natural or legal person intending to move animals, animal products and/or animal related items shall submit the following documents:

  1. A completed movement permit application form;
  2. Animal identification or registration card;
  3. Farm registration and/or ownership certificate;
  4. Detailed plans of the movement and transport. Top

Article 10. Submission of Applications for Movement in a Yellow Zone

After preparing the documents as prescribed in the Article 9 of this Decree, any natural or legal person intending to move animals, animal products or animal related item:

  1. Shall, if the Yellow Zone lies within the same district or municipality, submit the application to the District or Municipal Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority;
  2. Shall, if the Yellow Zone covers more than one district or municipality within the same province or Capital, submit the application to the Provincial/Capital Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority. Top

Article 11. Animal Movement Inspection and Authorization in the Yellow Zone

Once the relevant Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority has received the documents along with the application, a veterinary officer shall go to the actual site within two days from the date of receipt of such documents.

The veterinary officer shall perform the inspection based on prescribed veterinary principles, and as the case requires:

  1. If the animal appears sick, provide treatment and record the veterinary drugs used in such treatment;
  2. If the animal appears healthy, administer the vaccination and issue a vaccination certificate or an veterinary certificate to the owner;
  3. If the animals are suspected to have a disease, recommend to the owner or the person in charge, to carry out any measures, such as isolation of the animal for a specified period of time, to ensure that the animals are not further infected with a disease as defined in the list of animal issues or with any other animal diseases.

After isolating the animal for such specified period of time as is necessary, and the veterinary officer is certain that the mentioned animal is no longer infected with disease, and then the movement authorization can be granted.

If the animal still appears to be infected with a disease, the veterinary officer shall treat, isolate or destroy such animal as the case requires, as well as provide a written notification to the applicant. The veterinary officer may allow the use of the animal for a specific purpose only.

The veterinary officer shall submit a written report on the findings regarding movement authorization and on which measures were implemented. Where a listed disease has been found as present, the veterinary officer shall report to the higher levels in the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority, within one day. Top

Article 12. Movement Inspection and Authorization In the Yellow Zone

The veterinary officer shall perform the inspection in accordance with prescribed veterinary techniques basing on laboratory results and shall:

  1. For animal, animal products or animal related items where there is no presence of a disease or pathogen, movement authorization will be granted within the same day;
  2. For animal, animal products or animal related items where there is presence of a disease or pathogen, the veterinary officer shall recommend the owner or the person in charge to perform any specific measures, such as destruction or use for specific purposes.

Any person authorized to move animals, animal products or animal related items shall carry out the movement within 24 hours after receiving the movement authorization.

After receiving the movement authorization, the owner or the carrier shall follow the guidelines of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority as well as the terms stipulated in the movement permit.

The veterinary officer shall notify the destination District, Municipality, Province or Capital of the movement including the details of the route and the inspection procedures and methods that were used to issue the authorization as prescribed regulations and inspection manuals. Top

Article 13. General Movement

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall regulate the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items outside the Red Zone or the Yellow Zone on the basis of risk assessment, and test results from laboratories, regarding diseases.

The movement of animals, animal products and animal related items from a village, district, municipality, province or Capital outside the Red Zone or the Yellow Zone shall be inspected by the Village Livestock and Veterinary Unit and follow the regulations issued by the central Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority. Top

Article 14. The Movement of Animals, Animal Products and Animal Related Items

Carriers of animals, animal products and/ or animal related items intending to enter or exit the Yellow Zone shall bring the documents concerning the movement issued by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority, with them at all times. The carriers shall present such documents at the local checkpoints or upon request from the Authority and they shall also adhere to the movement requirements or regulations.

For transportation from a village, district, province and Capital outside the Yellow Zone, inspections shall be carried out by the Village Livestock and Veterinary Unit and shall follow the regulations of the central Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority. Top

Article 15. Suspension of the Movement or Alternative Route of the Movement

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority may suspend the movement authorization in one of the following cases:

  1. If there is a suspected outbreak of a listed animal diseases at the district of origin or destination;
  2. If a listed animal disease is suspected during the inspection at the local checkpoint or any station along the route of movement;
  3. If an animal product is suspected of being unfit for the intended use during the inspection at the local checkpoints or any station along the route of movement.

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority can alternate the route by designating other routes if there is a suspected outbreak of a listed animal disease along the route of movement. The veterinary officer shall provide the reasons for such suspension or modification of route to the carrier or owner of animals, animal products animal related products immediately.

All costs incurred in the suspension or the alternation of route shall be borne by the owner of the animal, animal products and/or animal related products. Top

Article 16. Cancellation Of Movement Authorization

In the following situations, the Authority may cancel the movement authorization:

  1. Where there is a confirmed outbreak of a listed disease in the district of origin or destination;
  2. Upon inspections at local checkpoints or at other points along the route, an animal is confirmed of getting infected with listed disease;
  3. Where inspections en route reveal the animal product is no longer fit for its purpose and requires destruction;
  4. Where there has been a breach of the movement authorization terms and conditions under the provisions of this Decree or other related regulations.

The veterinary officer shall cancel the movement related to the animal, animal product and animal related item depending on the above cases by notifying in writing, the carrier or the owner the reasons for such cancellation, and shall forward a recommendation to the authority of origin to revoke such authorization.

All costs incurred in the cancellation of movement shall be borne by the owner of the animal, animal product and animal related item. Top

Article 17. Obligations of Owners And Carriers Of Animals To Be Moved

Owners and carriers have the following obligations:

  1. During movement, if the owner or the carrier suspects that animals show clinical signs of a disease, he or she must notify the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority of origin that issued the movement authorization immediately and should stop the movement until the veterinary officer has inspected the animals in question;
  2. Pay all veterinary service fees stipulated by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority;
  3. Follow the procedures, regulation and guidance as prescribed in this Decree;
  4. Perform other obligations as prescribed in the related rules and legislation. Top

Chapter 3

Article 18. Import Requirements

Any natural or legal person intending to bring any animals, animal products and/or animal related items into Lao, PDR shall fulfill the following requirements:

  1. He or she has been issued an import permit by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority;
  2. The animal or animal product is accompanied by an international veterinary certificate issued by the relevant government organizations or officer of the exporting country, in line with the requirements of Lao PDR;
  3. He or she has relevant documents in compliance with the regulations of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority where the import is for animals used for breeding;
  4. The animals, animal products and/or animal related items are imported through the Entry Checkpoints designated by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority;
  5. He or she complies with the requirements of this Chapter.

Where the importer has already been granted an import permit, if results from the risk assessment by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority confirm that there is a risk of spreading diseases and toxins into the country, the import will be prohibited and written notification of such prohibition will be sent to the importer.

No person shall bring into Lao PDR any animal on the list of prohibited animals in Lao PDR as established periodically by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority where there is an outbreak. Top

Article 19. Import Regulation

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall regulate imports based on the following cases:

  1. Standards issued by relevant international organizations;
  2. Risk assessment results of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority including periodic reviews and updates that shall be disseminated to the public;
  3. Exclusion of diseases shall not be required for those that are already present in the country and not subject to an official control program at the time of import. Top

Article 20. List of Animals and Animal Products

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall prepare the list of the animals and animal products that require a veterinary certificate issued by   Veterinary Authority of the country of origin in compliance with the international standards, and shall widely publish such list. Top

Article 21. Import Permit Application

Any natural or legal person who intends to import an animal or animal product into Lao PDR shall submit an application to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at the entry checkpoint at least fifteen days prior to the expected arrival of such animal or animal product, using the prescribed import application form and together with such fee as may be prescribed.

Any natural or legal person who intends to import an animal used for breeding into Lao PDR, shall submit an application to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level at least fifteen days prior to the expected arrival.

Applications shall include at least the following information:

  1. the proposed date of entry;
  2. the designated entry checkpoint;
  3. the animal species and quantity;
  4. means of transport;
  5. the address of final destination;
  6. proof of ownership or custodianship of animals;
  7. such other information as may be prescribed in regulations. Top

Article 22. Document Inspection and Authorization

Upon the receipt of an application or prescribed document, the head of international entry checkpoint shall do as follows:

  1. Allow the import of animal used for breeding where the central Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority has already issued the import permit;
  2. Allow the import of animals for purpose other than breeding, or any animal products and/or animal related items based on the risk assessment developed by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority;
  3. Refuse to allow any import into Lao PDR of an animal, animal product and/or the animal related items where there is a risk of the spread of disease or contamination with toxin, and shall inform the applicant in writing no later than fifteen days.

Upon receipt of the application for imports, the Head of the central Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall consider to allow the import if the import is for animals used for breeding, or where such application is refused, the Head shall notify the applicant in writing within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the application.

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall archive the application form or prescribed documents for a period of five years. Top

Article 23. Suspension of import permits

Where there is an outbreak of a listed disease in the exporting country, and where such disease is not present in Lao PDR or is subject to an official control programme, import permits authorizing the entry of animals, animal products and/or animal related items which pose a risk of entry of such disease can be suspended for such time as may be specified by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority.

Suspended import permits may be lifted by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority once it is satisfied that there has been an official control programme addressing the disease in the exporting country.

Where it suspends or cancels a permit, the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall notify in writing the veterinary authorities of the exporting country and OIE, and provide reasons for its decision. Top

Article 24. Procedures for Imports

The import of animals, animal products and/or animal related items shall be as follows:

  1. At least one day prior to the arrival of the shipment, the importer shall notify the checkpoint and also present the import permit ,the international veterinary certificate from the country of origin and any other prescribed document;
  2. Upon arrival, the importer shall present all relevant documents to the entry checkpoint veterinary officer when the animal, animal products and/or animal related items ;
  3. The veterinary officer shall carry out the veterinary inspection as prescribed in article 46 of this Decree;
  4. The head of the entry checkpoint shall inform the importer the results of the inspection and may include any additional advice as required, and shall either authorize or prohibit the import.

During import inspections, where the veterinary officer suspects that the animal, animal product and/or animal-related item is infected or contaminated;  comes from an infected herd;, is not accompanied by a veterinary certificate; does not have the complete set of prescribed documents; or otherwise fails to comply with the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority requirements, the entry checkpoint shall seize live animals, for a period not exceeding sixty days, and for animal products and/or animal related items, for a period not exceeding ten days. Any costs incurred by the operation of this article shall be borne by the importer.

Where an importer violates the import procedure as prescribed in this Decree, the importer may be fined, or subject to further civil or criminal proceedings, depending on the severity of the case, in accordance with Lao PDR legislation.

Where the import is not carried out in accordance with this Decree, or where some animals are found dead, or show clinical signs of disease, or where the animal product is not fit for its purpose, the veterinary officer shall follow article 48 of the Law on Livestock Production and Veterinary Matters.

Where the importer is unable to claim the animal, animal product or animal related item from where it has been seized and stored under this article within thirty days, the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority has the right to destroy it. Top

Article 25. Import Inspections

The veterinary officer shall carry out the inspections during regular work hours and prior to the customs inspections.

The veterinary officer shall carry out inspections at the entry checkpoint as follows:

  1. Where the animal, animal product or animal related item to be imported does not match the information submitted in the application for the import permit, the importer shall submit a new application for an import permit. In such case, the animal or animal product shall not be released until the import permit has been issued to the importer;
  2. Where the veterinary officer finds that the animal or animal product to be imported does not pose a risk for the introduction and spread of disease, and does not require quarantine, he or she may release the shipment to the importer;
  3. Where the veterinary officer finds that the animal or animal product would result in the introduction or spread of a vector, toxin or a listed disease, or where the documentation accompanying the shipment otherwise fails to meet the prescribed requirements, he or she shall suspend the import and provide written justification to the importer. In such cases the veterinary officer shall take one or more of the following measures:
  • Take samples for analysis;
  • For an animal, transfer it to a quarantine or any other location identified by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority for testing or disinfection;
  • For an animal product or animal related item, place it in a warehouse or other premises for testing or disinfection;
  • Return the animal or animal product to the country of origin;
  • Destroy the animal or animal product, and if this is carried out by the importer, it shall be done under the supervision of the veterinary officer in accordance with prescribed procedures.

Where the veterinary officer carries out any of the actions listed above, the veterinary officer shall write a report detailing the reasons for such action and send a copy to the Authority the same day.

All inspections shall be carried out during regular business hours at the entry checkpoint, except where the animal or animal product, as the case may be, is:

  • Extremely perishable;
  • In imports of volume of exceeding such amount as shall be prescribed by regulation;
  • Required to be isolated or quarantined immediately;
  • Delayed due to any unforeseen reasons. Top

Article 26. Post-entry Inspections

A veterinary officer may require tests or surveillance of animals that have entered into Lao PDR for a period of ten days from the date of entry. Top

Article 27. Cancellation of Import Permits

An import permit may be cancelled by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority where an importer breaches the provisions of this Decree or any conditions or procedures of the import, and Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall notify the importer in writing within three days following the decision. Top

Article 28. Collaboration of Authorities

Upon the arrival of a shipment of animals, animal products or animal-related items, the responsible customs officer shall notify the veterinary officer immediately. Such customs officer shall not release or dispose of the animal, animal product and/or animal-related item without the veterinary inspection, or approval of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority.

Importers, postal services, private shipping agents, port authorities and any other relevant enforcement authorities shall report the arrival of any animal, animal product and/or animal-related item to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority. Top

Article 29. Declaration

Any natural or legal person importing any animal, animal product or animal-related item to Lao PDR shall inform the veterinary officer, custom officer and other relevant authority and upon arrival.

Any natural or legal person providing services of inbound commercial flights, buses, trains, boats and other forms of travel, both domestically and internationally, shall inform the passengers of their duty to declare any animals or animal products with them, to the veterinary officer and other relevant authority. Top

Article 30. Accompanied Pet Animals

Any person intending to bring with him or her any pet animal shall submit the prescribed import permit as prescribed by Article 21 of this Decree, prior to or on the day of entry into Lao PDR. Top

Chapter 4

Article 31. Application for Export

Any natural or legal person who intends to export an animal not used for breeding, or animal product or animal related item shall submit an application to the exit checkpoint within fifteen days of the date of the proposed export, using the prescribed export application form.

Any natural or legal person who intends to export an animal used for breeding out of Lao PDR, shall submit an application to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level at least 15 days prior to the expected date of export, using the prescribed export application form.

All the technical and service fees as prescribed in the relevant legislation shall be borne by the exporter. Top

Article 32. Procedures for Export Inspection and Certification

Upon receipt of the export application, the veterinary officer of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall conduct a veterinary inspection on animals, animal products and animal related items, and where there is no risk of infection or contamination with a disease or toxin, shall issue the veterinary certificate. Where the animal, animal product or animal related item poses a risk of infection or contamination with a disease or toxin or does not otherwise comply with the requirements of the importing country, the veterinary officer shall apply the appropriate method to reduce or limit the potential risk including the following cases:

  1. Carry out tests, vaccinations or disinfection;
  2. Carry out inspection, approval and certification procedures of animals, animal products, animal-related item and establishments housing animals or animal products;
  3. Observe animals during or following transport to the place of shipment and at the point of departure;
  4. Send advance notice to the importing country.

Procedures and requirements on the issuance of international veterinary certificates shall be as prescribed by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority regulations and manual. Top

Article 33. Issuance of the Export Certification

Upon receipt of the application, veterinary certificate and other required documents the veterinary officer of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority will consider and make a decision on the issuance of the export certificate, to the exporter within fifteen days. Top

Article 34. Procedure of Inspection and Export

The export of an animal, animal product or animal-related item shall comply with the following procedures:

  1. The exporter shall submit the export application, veterinary certificate and related document to the veterinary officer at the exit checkpoint one day prior to the date of export.
  2. The exporter shall present the relevant documents to the veterinary officer at the exit checkpoint upon the arrival of animal, animal product or animal-related item.
  3. The veterinary officer should carry out the veterinary inspection of the animal, animal product and animal-related item as prescribed in article 46 of this Decree.
  4. The Head of the exit checkpoint shall inform the results of the inspection and issue the export authorization and may provide guidance to the exporter.

During the inspection of an animal, animal product or animal related item, the veterinary officer should strictly comply with the requirements of the importing country. The exporter of the animal, animal product or animal related item shall ensure export within seven days of the authorization. Top

Article 35. Accompanied Pet Animals

Any natural or legal person intending to take out of Lao PDR a pet animal shall submit an application form to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority as prescribed in article 21 of this Decree, and shall strictly follow the guidance of the veterinary officer, and shall pay technical, service or other fees as prescribed in legislation. Top

Chapter 5
Animals and Animal Products in Transit

Article 36. Permit for Transit

Any natural or legal person intending to transit animals, animal products and/or animal related items through the territory of Lao PDR to a third country of destination, shall submit an application, a veterinary certificate issued by relevant competent authorities in the country of origin and other related documents in compliance with the import requirements of Lao PDR as defined in this Decree. The application shall be submitted to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level or the entry checkpoint, and pay service fees as prescribed in relevant regulations.

For the transit through the territory of Lao PDR to a third country of destination, the veterinary officer of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level or at the entry checkpoint shall check the compliance of the documents and inspect animals, animal products and animal related items in order to either allow or refuse the transit as follows:

  1. Where the transit does not pose a risk of the introduction or spread of disease, and the applicant otherwise meets the prescribed requirements of this Decree, the veterinary officer of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level or at the exit checkpoint shall issue a transit permit and allow transit through the territory of Lao PDR. The applicant shall strictly follow the instructions on  transit from the veterinary officer;
  2. Where a disease is present in any transit countries before Lao PDR and in the country of origin, and the disease can be transmitted to animals and such disease do not exist in Lao PDR, the veterinary officer of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority and of the entry checkpoint can consider whether to allow or refuse such transit;
  3. A transit permit may be modified, suspended or cancelled by the Head of  checkpoint where such transit poses the risk of the introduction or spread of  disease in Lao PDR, and a written report stating the reasons for such modification, suspension or cancellation shall be submitted to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level. Top

Article 37. Transit Procedures and Requirements

Any natural or legal person intending to transit an animal, animal product or animal related item through the territory of Lao PDR to a third country, shall submit a transit application, a veterinary certificate and any other relevant documents as prescribed in this Decree, to the entry checkpoint.

The veterinary officer at the entry checkpoint shall check the compliance of the documents and inspect the animal, animal product or animal related item except where vehicles or containers are sealed with lead or any other material, in which case only documentary inspection is required.

The carrier, owner or person in charge of the transit shall submit the relevant documents to the veterinary officer of the exit checkpoint. The veterinary officer shall inspect and confirm the completed transit through the territory of Lao PDR and the Head of the exit checkpoint shall send one copy of document regarding the shipment and confirmation of the transit to the entry checkpoint indicated in the documents.

Where the veterinary officer at the entry checkpoint has not received the confirmation of exit within seven days, he or she shall notify in writing the proposed exit checkpoint, as well as report in writing to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level via the Provincial, Capital Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority.

The carrier, owner or person in charge of the transit shall strictly follow the requirements and conditions as prescribed in this Decree, the instructions of the veterinary officer and shall also ensure transport is carried out through transport routes as stipulated in the transit permit.

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall set out specific rules for transport of consignments by land, water and air. Top

Chapter 6
Regulations on Transport and Movement

Article 38. Regulations on Transport with Vehicles

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level shall prescribe specific regulations for the transport with a vehicle, of animals, animal products and animal related items. The carrier, owner or person in charge of the transport of animals, animal products and animal related items shall follow such regulations. Top

Article 39. Regulations on Movement without Vehicles

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level shall prescribe specific regulations for the movement without any vehicle of animals, animal products and animal related items. The mover, owner or person in charge of the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items shall follow such regulations. Top

Chapter 7
Livestock and Veterinary Management

Article 40. Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority

The Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority shall comprise:

  1. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, through the primary responsibility of the Department of Livestock and Fisheries;
  2. Provincial, Vientiane Capital Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO) through the primary responsibility of the Livestock and Fisheries Divisions;
  3. Municipal/District Agriculture and Forestry Office (DAFO) through the primary responsibility of the Livestock and Fisheries Units;
  4. International Entry or Exit Checkpoint;
  5. Village Livestock and Veterinary Unit. Top

Article 41. Rights and Responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

The rights and responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in livestock and veterinary management are as follows:

  1. Provide technical and policy direction for all other levels of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority;
  2. Develop any technical measure, policy or any technical decision-making required for implementation of this Decree;
  3. Establish import and export requirements for animals and animal products and/or animal related items;
  4. Undertake risk analysis and risk assessment and evaluate the equivalence of sanitary measures taken by trading partners;
  5. Administer the international entry or exit checkpoints, issue an import, export  and transit permit of animals and animal products and/or animal related items;
  6. Issue veterinary certificates for the export of animals used for breeding, and authorize the import of animals used for breeding;
  7. Issue veterinary certificates for the export of animals and animal products and animal related items;
  8. Supervise, monitor and coordinate the activities of all PAFO, DAFO and the international entry and exit checkpoints as well as coordinate with other relevant sectors regarding livestock and veterinary management;
  9. Set up local or temporary veterinary checkpoints under specific circumstances such as an outbreak, in coordination with relevant sectors;
  10. Promote or demote veterinary officers and the veterinary officer at the international entry or exit checkpoints in coordination with relevant sectors;
  11. Develop a system of veterinary controls, and inspections of animal products and animal related items in accordance with  the procedures of movement, transport, import, export and transit prescribed in this Decree;
  12. Develop a system of animal identification, traceability or information recording.
  13. Coordinate with the authorities at all levels in surveillance and monitoring the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items;
  14. Issue guidelines for the operation of quarantine stations and other facilities;
  15. Update and revise measures to control the movement of animals for the purposes of disease control;
  16. Develop and disseminate legislation on the control of the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items;
  17. Collaborate with foreign countries and international organizations with a mandate for animal health;
  18. Liaise with the central authorities responsible for food safety, animal and human health, customs, trade, and the environment;
  19. Coordinate with relevant international and domestic stakeholders for the training of veterinary officers and inspectors;
  20. Organize awareness-raising and training activities regarding the control of the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items;
  21. Perform other tasks regulated in the law of Lao PDR. Top

Article 42. Rights and Responsibilities of the Authority at PAFO Level

The Authority at PAFO and Vientiane Capital level has the following rights and responsibilities:

  1. Implement the technical measures and policies required for the control of the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items developed by MAF;
  2. Issue authorization for the movement of animals among districts, municipalities, within the province, the Capital or among provinces, the Capital;
  3. Assist with the monitoring of the transit of animals, animal products and animal related items as assigned the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level;
  4. Implement the system of animal identification, traceability and information recording;
  5. Provide information and reports to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level regarding their tasks as defined in this Decree;
  6. Carry out surveillance, and monitor and report on outbreaks of animal diseases in accordance with the surveillance plan of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at central level;
  7. Supervise, monitor and coordinate within their mandate,  the DAFO that are within the province, for the control of the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items;
  8. Develop province-level regulations, disseminate any legislation on the control of the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items and provide advice regarding the implementation of such regulations;
  9. Liaise with the province-level authorities for food safety, human and animal health, customs, trade and the environment in carrying out activities;
  10. Coordinate with other relevant sectors at central level for the training of the veterinary officers;
  11. Organize awareness-raising and training activities regarding the control of the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items;
  12. Perform other tasks regulated in the law of Lao PDR. Top

Article 43. Rights and Responsibilities of the Authority at DAFO Level

DAFO has the following rights and responsibilities:

  1. Implement the technical measures and policies within their mandate, that are required for the control of the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items under the guidance of PAFO ;
  2. Implement the system of animal identification, traceability and information recording;
  3. Administer and, control the movement and transport of animals, animal products and animal related items as defined in this Decree and provide information and reports to PAFO;
  4. Implement plans for surveillance and monitoring within their mandate for the movement and transport of animals, animal products and animal related items of the Village Livestock and Veterinary Unit;
  5. Coordinate with other organizations at district and municipality level that are responsible for food safety, human and animal health, customs, trade and the environment;
  6. Coordinate with the district-level authorities on the issues of food safety, customs, trade, the environment and human health in carrying out activities.
  7. Organize awareness-raising and training activities regarding the control of the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items;
  8. Disseminate any legislation on the control of the movement of animals, animal products and animal related items in accordance with the assignment of PAFO;
  9. Perform other tasks regulated in the law of Lao PDR. Top

Article 44. Rights and Responsibilities of the International Exit and Entry Checkpoints

The International Entry and Exit Checkpoints have the following rights and responsibilities:

  1. Carry out inspections of animals, animal products and/or animal related items in transit through the checkpoints;
  2. Receive applications for import, export or transit of animals, animal products and animal related items within their mandate as prescribed in separate regulations;
  3. Disseminate any legislation on the control of the movement and transport of animals and animal products, and provide advice regarding implementation of such legislation;
  4. Perform other tasks regulated in the law of Lao PDR. Top

Article 45. Rights and Responsibilities of Village Livestock and Veterinary Units

Village Livestock and Veterinary Units have the following rights and responsibilities:

  1. Regularly provide information and reports on the movement and transport of animals, animal products and animal related items to DAFO;
  2. Carry out surveillance and provide information on outbreaks and report to DAFO;
  3. Disseminate any regulation on the control of the movement and transport of animals and animal products to raise awareness to the carrier, the owner and the person in charge of an animal, animal product and animal related item;
  4. Perform other tasks as regulated in the law of Lao PDR. Top

Chapter 8
Veterinary Inspection and Appeal

Article 46. Veterinary Inspections

Veterinary officers at all levels of the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority, shall follow regulations, manuals or standard operating procedures of veterinary inspection including:

  1. Documentary inspection;
  2. Physical inspection of health and clinical signs of disease;
  3. Chemical and biological inspections;
  4. Other inspections based on veterinary techniques.

During inspections, veterinary officers shall inform the purpose and necessity of the inspection in accordance with the animal disease prevention and protection measures; and shall also present their identification cards at all times. Top

Article 47. Written Report

Upon completion of each inspection, the veterinary officer and inspector at the checkpoint shall prepare a report in writing on the inspection detailing the relevant information as defined under regulations, manuals and standard operating procedures on veterinary inspections and shall include the reasons for the inspection, the measures applied and the reasons why such measures were applied.

Such reports shall be made in three copies, one to be kept by the veterinary officer, one for the veterinary inspector, and one to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority where the veterinary officer is registered. Top

Article 48. Appeals

Any natural or legal person aggrieved by any veterinary inspection results, or action or decision of a veterinary officer may appeal to the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority at MAF, PAFO or DAFO level as appropriate in accordance with the law of Lao PDR. Top

Chapter 9
Final Provisions

Article 49. Implementation

This Decree shall be strictly implemented by the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority in coordination with line ministries, ministry-equivalent organizations and local authorities. Top

Article 50. Entry into force

This Decree shall replace Decree on the Inspection of Animals, Animal Products and Animal Related Items No 207/NA, dated 27 July 2007.

This Decree shall enter into force 180 days from the date of signature.
Any Decrees, regulations and provisions that contradict this Decree are hereby annulled. Top

Government of Lao PDR
Prime Minister of Lao PDR



# Title Download
1 Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012 PDF
2 ດໍາລັດ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການຄຸ້ມຄອງ ການເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍ ສັດ ແລະ ຜະລິດຕະພັນສິນຄ້າ ກ່ຽວກັບ ສັດ ເລກທີ 230/ລບ, ລົງວັນທີ 4.6.2012 PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Requirement to obtain import permit - Animal Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry importers of live animals must conform with specific conditions in annex No. 2 of the decision No. 0795/MAF and submit for the import permit with documents as specified in annex No. 3 to the department of livestock and fisheries to issue the permit according to documents in annex 4
  1. Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012
  2. Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019
9999-12-31 ALL
2 Requirement to obtain Veterinary Certificate from Exporting Country - animal products SPS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry In order to apply for an import permit for animal products and/or animal related items, a trader must obtain a veterinary certificate from the exporting country and present it to relevant department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry together with the application.
  1. Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012
  2. Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019
9999-12-31 ALL
3 Requirement on import of animals and animal products through designated border points General Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Animal and animal products may only be imported through border points designated by relevant department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and may be revise from time to time. Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012 9999-12-31 ALL
4 Inspection requirement for imported animals Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry the import of live animals must be inspected by the vet checkpoint borders
  1. Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012
  2. Law on Livestock Production and Veterinary Matters (Amended) No. 08/NA dated 11 November 2016
  3. Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019
9999-12-31 ALL
5 Requirement to obtain import permit - animal products Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry importers of animal products (semen, fertile, baby animals, meat, and meat products) must conform with specified conditions in annex No. 2 of the decision No. 0795/MAF and submit for the import permit with documents as specified in annex No. 3 to the department of livestock and fisheries to issue the permit according to documents in annex 4
  1. Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012
  2. Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019
9999-12-31 ALL
6 Inspection Requirement for Animal Products Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry The Import of Animal Products must be inspected by the vet at the checkpoint borders
  1. Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012
  2. Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019
9999-12-31 ALL
7 Inspection requirement - export of animals Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry the export of animals must be inspected by veterinarians at border checkpoints
  1. Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012
  2. Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019
9999-12-31 ALL
8 Inspection Requirement for the export of animal products Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry the export of animal products must be inspected by the veterinarians at border checkpoint
  1. Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012
  2. Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019
9999-12-31 ALL
9 Requirement to obtain Veterinary Certificate from Exporting Country - animals SPS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry In order to apply for an import permit for animals, a trader must obtain a veterinary certificate from the exporting country and present it to relevant department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry together with the application.
  1. Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012
  2. Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019
9999-12-31 ALL
10 Certificate Requirement from Originating Country - Import of Animal Products SPS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry The import of animal products must be presented a certificate from originating country such as a sanitary certificate of quality certificate and a technical certificate on the slaughter factory or the storage a long with a proposal letter to the department of livestock and fisheries.
  1. Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012
  2. Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019
9999-12-31 ALL
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