Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

                                          Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry                                               

No: 2592/MOAF
Vientiane Capital, date 15 August 2014

 ON Enhancing the restriction on inspection and management on fertilizer, seeds and pesticide which are used in Lao PDR

-    Pursuant to the Law on Agriculture No. 01/98 NA, dated 10 October 1998.
-    Pursuant to the Decree on the Organization and Implementation of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No.262/PM, dated 26th June 2012. 
-    Pursuant to the letter of Department of Agriculture, No. 1023/DOA, date 30 July 2014.

In the past, the sector around central and local authorities at all levels has cooperated to manage, track and inspect imported agriculture production such as fertilizers, seeds and pesticides plant that gives farmers and entrepreneurs have used factors serve to produce quality, match with standards and regulations which contribute to the improvement on production, increase income for farmers and entrepreneurs; However, there are also some entrepreneurs imported production such as fertilizer, seeds and pesticides especially herbicides that are prohibited from smuggling, distributing and using irrespective of their impact on people, animals, plants and the environment that creating a negative picture on the direct- lead of the technical direction of the agriculture and forestry sector which lead to negative impact for the famers, impoverish, defer capital, incur debt and harm society and the nation.

To solve this problem, aiming to achieve the target of agricultural production, in particular on rice production across of the nation no less than 4.2 million tons in 2015 and 5 million tons in 2020.

The Minister of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Issues the Order:

1.    Assign Department of Agriculture and Forestry of the provinces and capital direct the agriculture sector, International Plant Protection, the district of agriculture and forestry, traditional border and district of agriculture unit to manage the import fertilizers, seeds and pesticides from foreign countries into their area strictly in accordance with the techniques and regulations in coordination with relevant sectors such as industry and commerce, customs, customs, police and local authorities at all levels;
2.    Do not allow public, private and enterprise both domestic and foreign development projects for importers of fertilizers, seeds and pesticides especially herbicides, which are not technically registered under the Laos laws;

3.    The Department of Agriculture shall submit a list of technically registered fertilizers, seeds and pesticides in the Lao PDR and a list of pesticides that have been discarded in Lao PDR to the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Department, the capital, to inform the Provincial Agriculture Sector, District Agriculture Unit and the International Plant Protection Border in January of every year. In case of registration after the transfer of the list, the Department of Agriculture shall promptly distribute it directly to management at all levels;
4.    Assign the Department of Management and Land Development of Agriculture conduct the research, certify the quality and accuracy of fertilizer standards for domestic and imported agricultural productions;
5.    The Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Department, Capital coordinate with relevant agencies and local authorities to direct the p the Provincial Agriculture Sector, District of Agriculture and Forestry Unit and District of Agricultural Unit to manage, inspect the distribution of fertilizers, seeds and pesticides, in particular its local herbicides in accordance to the regulations and including inspections of patrol vehicles of fertilizers, pesticides, and plant varieties that are sold and distributed in their villages and village groups;
6.    Assign the Department of Agriculture to develop guide book on management inspection of the fertilizer, seeds and pesticide to Inspection Unit of Pesticides Plant at all levels and Border Protection Plant Officers at the borders as a technical standard management guide in the implementation in accordance with the international standards;
7.    Assign the Provincial/Capital of the Agriculture and Forestry Department direct the Agriculture sector to collaborate with Agriculture Promotion and Cooperative, Agriculture and Forestry Service Center and Local Administration to disseminate, educate farmers, production groups and entrepreneurs on the storage and use of fertilizers, seeds and pesticides, especially herbicides in according to the technical specifications;
8.    The Departments and Institutions of the Ministry and the Provincial/Capital Department of Agriculture and Forestry to implement this order. In the practice has found any difficulties that shall report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry regularly;
9.    This Order is an effective and valid from the date of its signature.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

Vilaivanh PhonKhe

# Title Download
1 Ministerial Order on Enhancing the restriction on inspection and management on fertilizer, seeds and Pesticide which are used in Lao PDR No. 2592/MAF,Dated 15 August 2014 PDF
2 ຄຳສັ່ງ ຂອງລັດຖະມົນຕີ ກ່ຽວກັບ ການເພີ່ມທະວີຄວາມເຂັ້ມງວດ ໃນການຄຸ້ມຄອງ, ກວດກາຝຸ່ນ, ແນວພັນພືດ ແລະຢາຂ້າຫຍ້າ ລວມທັງຢາປາບສັດຕູພືດອື່ນໆ ທີ່ນຳໃຊ້ຢູ່ ສປປ ລາວ ເລກທີ 2592/ກປ, ລົງວັນທີ 15 ສິງຫາ 2014 PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Inspection Requirement For Import- Fertilizer Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Importing fertiliser must be inspected by plant protection officer at the border check point.
  1. Decision of Minister on Fertilizer Management in Lao PDR No. 2169/MAF, dated 24 October 2013.
  2. Ministerial Order on Enhancing the restriction on inspection and management on fertilizer, seeds and Pesticide which are used in Lao PDR No. 2592/MAF,Dated 15 August 2014
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2 Inspection requirement for import - Pesticide Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Importing pesticide must be inspected by plant quarantine officer at the border check point.
  1. Ministerial Order on Enhancing the restriction on inspection and management on fertilizer, seeds and Pesticide which are used in Lao PDR No. 2592/MAF,Dated 15 August 2014
  2. Decree on Pesticide Management No.258/GoL, dated 24 August 2017
9999-12-31 ALL
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