In order to ensure harmonization on the implementation of a notification no. 790/GO.SD, dated 21 May 2015 and no. 1360/GO.ED, dated 18 August 2015. MoIC issues an Instruction no. 1812/MoIC.DIMEX, dated 4 September 2015 to further implement the aforementioned notifications which prohibit the export of logs, sawed timbers, and transformed logs. To be able to export, they are required to be processed as finished products. Planted woods are encouraged to process domestically. If they could be processed, they will be allowed to export as log based on a certification of source and proceeding necessary documents from relevant agencies according to a notification on the licensing procedure of the import and export of planted timbers No.1791/MoIC.DIMEX, Additional Notification No. 1135/ /PSO.DIMEX, dated 6 May 2014 and other relevant regulations.

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