Pursuant to Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019, Animals and animal products for a business purpose must require import permit as stipulated in Appendix 1 of this Decision, for instance, Live cattle, pig, sheep, goat, horses, asses, mules and hinnies, poultry, dog, cat, wildlife animal, deer, ostriches and emus; sperm of pig, cattle, goat and sheep; embryo of cattle; breeding egg and poultry aged 1 day; products of cattle, pig, goat, sheep, horse, asses, mules, poultry and wildlife animal in accordance with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Follow this procedure if you wish to import animals and animal products.

An importer wishing to import animals and animal products into Lao PDR, must follow the procedure below:
Importer shall prepare following required document for the import permit and submit to Department of Livestock and Fisheries:

1) Application for import permit as stipulated in Appendix 3 of this Decision; (Click here to download application form)
2) Copy of ID card or family registration book;
3) Copy of passport (In case of foreigner);
4) Letter of attorney;
5) Copy of Enterprise Registration Certificate.

Additional required document on the day of import goods:
1) Animal Health Certificate from the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority of origin country;
2) Copy of bill of Lading/Airway Bill (In case of port or airport);
3) Copy of animal heredity certificate (In case of animal used for breeding);
4) Copy of Animal vaccination certificate (In the case of Lao PDR requires).

Apart from the  required document above, importer shall follow the import conditions of animals and animal products as stipulated Appendix 2 of this decision. (Click here to see Appendix 2)

2. Department of Livestock and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry assess the risk as stipulated in Appendix 2 of this decision.

3. Department of Livestock and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry approves and issues the import permit of animals and animal products within 05 working days (If documents are completed). (Click here to see draft of import permit).

4. Importer obtains import permit at Department of Livestock and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


# Title Description Issued By File
1 Application For Import/Export/IN Transit/ Import For RE-Export Of Animals/ Aquatics/Animal-Fisheries Commodity Application For Import/Export/IN Transit/ Import For RE-Export Of Animals/ Aquatics/Animal-Fisheries Commodity Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry PDF
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Requirement to obtain import permit - Animal importers of live animals must conform with specific conditions in annex No. 2 of the decision No. 0795/MAF and submit for the import permit with documents as specified in annex No. 3 to the department of livestock and fisheries to issue the permit according to documents in annex 4 Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to ensure that imported live animals are inspected according to veterinary requirement to guarantee the safety of consumers and allow for re-checking if in case of harm to health of animals, people and environment Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012 9999-12-31 Good
2 Requirement to obtain Veterinary Certificate from Exporting Country - animal products In order to apply for an import permit for animal products and/or animal related items, a trader must obtain a veterinary certificate from the exporting country and present it to relevant department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry together with the application. SPS Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to ensure that the import goods are safe for consumers and can be tracked back if such goods have a impact of the health of human and other animals Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012 9999-12-31 Good
3 Requirement on import of animals and animal products through designated border points Animal and animal products may only be imported through border points designated by relevant department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and may be revise from time to time. General Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry To facilitate on veterinary check to implement the import procedure and to set up the transit road to ensure the the import doesn't go through any area that has epidemic of animal disease and vet officer can monitor and remove after the importation Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012 9999-12-31 Good
4 Inspection requirement for imported animals the import of live animals must be inspected by the vet checkpoint borders Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to prevent the spread of disease of imported animals from coming to Lao territory, and endure that such import is inspected by the vet at the border for the safety of humans, animals, and environment Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012 9999-12-31 Good
5 Service Fee - Import License for Animal and Aquatic Animal Products fees for risk assessment and import license for animal and aquatic animal products is 50.000 KIP/each time Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry For administrative revenue collection of state The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-31 Good
6 Requirement to obtain import permit - animal products importers of animal products (semen, fertile, baby animals, meat, and meat products) must conform with specified conditions in annex No. 2 of the decision No. 0795/MAF and submit for the import permit with documents as specified in annex No. 3 to the department of livestock and fisheries to issue the permit according to documents in annex 4 Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to ensure that imported live animals are inspected according to veterinary requirement to guarantee the safety of consumers and allow for re-checking if in case of harm to health of animals, people and environment Decree on the Control of the Movement of Animal and Animal Products No. 230/GoL, dated 4 June 2012 9999-12-31 Good
7 Import permit requirement for animal feeds the import of animal feeds must be permitted by the department of livestock and fisheries or the provincial/capital department of livestock and fisheries Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry To ensure the inspection and the monitoring the work of businesses to meet the quality, standard and safety. Decree on animal feed, No. 02/GoL, Dated 02 January 2020 9999-12-31 Good
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