This procedure applies to the importation of certain items listed in a list of controlled products (e.g. cement and other construction materials, electrical equipment, etc.). The list of goods can be obtained from the Department of Standards and Metrology of the Ministry of Science and Technology (DSM/MST). You can contact either the Ministry or the provincial office of the DSM. A trader must apply for a technical inspection to be carried out by DSM before clearing the goods for import.  Please refer to Regulation on the Quality Inspection of Goods No.1226/PMO-STEA.

Note 1

The application may be in a free form letter.  It is the responsibility of the trader to inform the Provincial Office of DSM/MST of the time of arrival of the goods.

Note 2

The documents that must be presented together with the application are the following.

  • Company Registration/Incorporation Certificate

  • Tax Registration Certificate

  • Commercial documents, e.g. invoice, packing list, Bill of Lading

  • Certificate of analysis or standard certification relevant to the product from the exporting countries

Note 3

Click here to view sample Certificate of Quality.

Note 4

The trader may proceed with claring goods with Customs and other border authorities if necessary.

# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 National Standard for Diesel Standard for Diesel (LS 07-2016) TBT Ministry of Industry and Commerce To manage the quality of the importing goods which shall comply with the specified national standard as well as collect the import data and importing companies in clearly manner. Standard Law (Amended) No. 49/NA, dated 18th July 2014. 9999-12-31 Good
2 National Standard for Gasoline Standard for Gasoline (LS 06-2016) TBT Ministry of Industry and Commerce To manage the quality of the importing goods which shall comply with the specified national standard as well as collect the import data and importing companies in clearly manner. Standard Law (Amended) No. 49/NA, dated 18th July 2014. 9999-12-31 Good
3 Importation of Fuel through designated border posts Importation of fuel may only take place at designated border posts and importer must have warehouse in the same province. General Ministry of Industry and Commerce For inspection reason as there is proper infrastructure to ensure the safety and quality of imported fuel Decree on Petroleum Business no. 331/PM, dated 27 Oct 2017 9999-12-31 Good
4 Requirement to obtain Quality Certificate from exporting country - Import Fuel To import fuel, the quality certificate issued by exporting country (not over 6 months) shall be attached with application form to obtain quality certificate from the Department of Standards and Metrology, Ministry of Science and Technology TBT Ministry of Industry and Commerce To manage the quality of the importing goods which shall comply with the specified national standard as well as collect the import situation and importing companies in clearly manner. Procedure for Fuel Quality Inspection at Department of Standardization and Metrology, Border Checkpoint, Storage, Gas Station, and Procedure for Service Fee Collection of the Fuel Quality Inspection no. 0952/MoST.PS, dated 28 July 2016 9999-12-31 Good
5 Inspection requirement - Import fuel Imported fuel needs to be inspected on the volume and selection of sample by Standard Inspection Officer at border checkpoints Inspection Requirement Ministry of Industry and Commerce To manage the quality of the importing goods which shall comply with the specified national standard as well as collect the import situation and importing companies in clearly manner. Decision on the Management, Inspection, and Certification of Fuel no. 0541/MoST, dated 8 June 2016 9999-12-31 Good
6 Testing Requirement - Imported Fuel When the importation arrives at border, Quality Inspection Officers at border checkpoints shall collect some samples of imported fuel to conduct quality test before issuing the quality certificate for importation. TBT Ministry of Industry and Commerce To enhance the quality and efficiency on the management, service and consumer protection of fuel in consistent with the stipulated standard Procedure for Fuel Quality Inspection at Department of Standardization and Metrology, Border Checkpoint, Storage, Gas Station, and Procedure for Service Fee Collection of the Fuel Quality Inspection no. 0952/MoST.PS, dated 28 July 2016 9999-12-31 Good
7 charge fee - on the inspection of product quality fees charged on the inspection of quality of products include: - request form 5,000 kip/product - quality certificate of products is 50,000 kip/time Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Industry and Commerce For state budget to support technical management The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-31 Good
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