Import of Agricultural Products, Livestock, Drugs and Food


To import these commodities it is usually necessary to obtain a permit in advance of importation in order to ensure that these products do not pose a threat to human, animal or plant health.  In this website we try to give an indication of which products are subject to these requirements.  However the circumstances may vary from time to time depending on conditions in the exporting country (e.g. an outbreak of a disease or a pest).  You should therefore always check with the relevant department prior to importation to make sure you comply with all the latest regulations.

Agricultural Products

If you wish to import certain agricultural products (such as pesticides) you should obtain an Import Permit from the Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Click here to view the procedure to follow.

If you want to import plants, seeds, fruit or vegetables whether for planting or for consumption you need to obtain an Import Permit from the Department of Plant Quarantine of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.  

Click here to view the procedure to follow.

Livestock and Fish

If you wish to import certain livestock you should obtain a Technical Certificate from the Department of Livestock and Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Click here to view the procedure to follow to import livestock.

Click here to view the procedure to follow to import fresh or frozen fish.


If you wish to import drugs for medical purposes you should obtain an Import Permit from the Department of Drugs of the Ministry of Health.  Prior to importation you will need to register the drugs.

The products that fall into the category of drugs are described in the Law on Drugs and Medical Products.  Click here to view this law.  Click here to view the procedure to for registering and importing drugs.


If you wish to import food for human or animal consumption you should obtain an Import Permit from the Department of Food of the Ministry of Health.

Click here to view the procedure to follow to import food.  If a food is considered a 'supplement' you need to obtain a registration certificate prior to importation.  Click here to view the procedure to register food supplements.

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