
Announcement on the Rules and Conditions of the Kingdom of Thailand for import sugar under the ASEAN Trade Agreement (ATIGA), dated 14 September 2021.

► The Kingdom of Thailand announces logs, semi processed timbers, and some type of wooden products are prohibited for transit

Requirements for the import and the transit of cassava and its products in Thailand

Progress on the announcement of the Second Export and Import of Goods Act, Kingdom of Thailand

Kingdom of Thailand issues a Second Export and Import of Goods Act 

Thailand's annoucement on amendment of import tariff (registration 5) 2012, 2013 2 Octorber  2013

Thai Government issued legislation on transport facilitation of goods, plant, animal, vehicle and others for transiting B.E 2556, 16 July 2013

Thai Regulation on importing rubber sheet and transit through Thailand for third country destination, 14 May 2013

► Announcement by the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand on the importation of tariff-free maize from Lao PDR, 19 February 2013 

► Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand has issued an announcement on determined plant from the sources, those are prohibited, the exceptions and the conditions under the plant quarantine act, No. 10 in 255330-October-2012

► Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand has issued an announcement concerning conditions on tobacco exporting from Lao PDR transiting Thailand30-August-2012

The Kingdom of Thailand announces the validity of Lao driver license in Thailand

Procedures and regulations for the importation of animal feed derived from animals into the Kingdom of Thailand

The Kingdom of Thailand specifies the routes and regulations for goods transit on land transportation between Thailand and Laos

► Agreement on Road Transports between the Government of the Lao PDR and the Kingdom of Thailand, signed in Bangkok on 5 March 1999.

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