Unofficial translation


Lao’s People Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity


Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Ref no.0848/MOIC

Vientiane Capital, dated 13 September 2021



On Prohibition List of Goods Subjects to Import or Export

  • Pursuant to Decree on the Organization and Operation of Ministry of Industry and Commerce no.230/PM, dated 24 July 2017;
  • Pursuant to Decree on Import and Export no.114/GOV, dated 6 April 2011;
  • Pursuant to the request letter of the Department of Import and Export no.3015/DIMEX, dated 8 September 2021.



Minister of Industry and Commerce has issued:

Article 1    Objective

                   This Decision has been created in order to implement Article 11 of Decree on Import and Export no.114/GOV, dated 6 April 2011.

Article 2    Prohibition List of Goods subject to Import or Export

                   The prohibition of goods that subject to import or export are the types of goods that are not allowed to import or export in order to protect the national security, social rules, morality, culture, life or health of human, animals or plants, to protect the national archeological objects, natural resource or to follow the conventions that Lao PDR is a party.

Aritcle 3    Table of Prohibition List of Goods subjects to Import or Export

                   Table of prohibition goods subject to import or export is based on the HS code of the goods in which it has divided into two tables namely Table of prohibition list of goods subjects to import and Table of prohibition list of goods subjectd to export as details as followings:


  1. Table of List of Goods Subject to Import Prohibition


HS code

Type of Product



Administrative agency



​Hazardous chemical Type I under Ministry of Industry and Commerce’s industrial chemical list



To protect health, safety of human and environment






Department of Industry and Handicraft

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)






  • Bullets and parts
  • War weapons
  • War vehicles
  • Explosive fertilizers and matches
  • Pyrotechnic products

To protect national peace and security


Department of National Industry Defense, General Department of Army Technology,

(Ministry of National Defense)









Prohibited Narcotics and their derivatives

To maintain social peace and order and protect human’s live and health


Office of Narcotic Inspection and Control, General Department of Police

(Ministry of Public Security)



Books, other pornographic publications and books that can affect the national and social security and peace.

To protect national good culture


Law on Publications No. 05/NA, dated 09 December 2008.



Department of Literature and Publishing

(Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism)






  • Banknote Printer
  • Coin milling machine
  • Banknote Printing Press
  • Banknote Paper
  • Banknote Ink
  • Coin making machine

To prevent counterfeiting or imitation of banknotes and for economic security and maintain monetary stability


Law on Bank of the Lao PDR (amended version) no. 47/NA, dated 19 June 2018.


Department of Monetary Policy (Bank of Lao PDR)



  • ­
  • Electronic waste (e-Waste)
  •  Old power plants

To protect health, safety of human and environment


  • Basel Convention;
  • Notification on the outcome of monitoring and collecting data on
  • Notification on the results of the inspection and data collection on the separation and smelting of electronic waste and old power plants throughout the country No. 1855/PMO, dated 17 November 2017.

Department of Industry and Handicraft

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)



All kind of Wildlife-Aquatic life and their parts under the prohibited list of CITES



​To protect all kind threatened and endangered species.











Department of Forestry

(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)



Non-Timber Forest Products under the prohibited list of CITES


To protect all kind threatened and endangered species.


Department of Forestry

(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)




Uranium or thorium ores and concentrates.


​To protect national peace and security


Department of Mine Management

(Ministry of Energy and Mines)



Extremely and highly hazardous pesticide


To protect health, safety of human and environment and to comply with regulation of protocols that Lao is a party.  



  • Rotterdam Convention;
  • Stockholm Convention;
  • Law on the Management of Chemicals no 07/NA, dated 10 November 2016;
  • Decree on Pesticide Management in Lao PDR no.258/GOV, dated 24 August 2017;
  • Decision on the Management of Pesticide in Lao PDR no.2860/MAF, dated 11 June 2010.

Department of Agriculture

(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)


  • Radio Frequency Jammer
  • Simbox Equipment
  • Spy Phone (Voice, Data)

​To protect national peace and security








  • Law on Telecommunication (amended) no.09/NA, dated 21 December 2011;
  • Law on Information, Communication Technology no.02/NA, dated 7 November 2016;
  • Law on Radio Frequency no.17/NA, dated 5 May 2017;
  • Decision on the Import and Distribution of ICT equipment no.3201/MPT, dated 16 November 2016;
  • List of ICT equipment no.1504/PSO, dated 20 June 2018.

Ministry of Technology and Communication



E-cigarette and Shisha


​To protect human health and to prevent addiction


Notification on the proposal to prohibit the importation, distribution, and consumption of e-cigarette and shisha in Lao PDR no.1297/PMO.     , dated 13 August 2018.

Department of Hygiene and health promotion

(Ministry of Health)


Remark:​ For any goods that are specified in the table of prohibit goods subjects to import and table of prohibit goods subjects to export in Article 3 of this Decision in which its HS code is not specified or has unclear or incomplete specification, the related responsible agencies will cooperate with customs administration in order to specify the actual HS code for goods to be correct and complied with the detail content of the goods according to the Lao Tariffs Nomenclature.

Article 4     Importation or Exportation of Goods Listed in the Table of Prohibition List of Goods Subject to Import and Export

                  Goods that are listed in the table of prohibit goods subjectS to import or table of list of prohibit goods subjects to export as specified in Article 3 of this Decision can not be import or exported for the trade purpose with an exception of import or export for the purposes of research, technology development, defence, prevention and minimization of danger that may occur to heath, life, property, environment and the application in the national defence-security, it shall be permitted by the government.

Article 5    Importation or Exportation of Goods that are not Listed in the Table of Prohibit goods subjects to Import and Export

       Goods that are not listed in the table of prohibit goods subjects to import or

table of prohibit goods subjects to export as specified in Article 3 of this Decision can be imported for trade purpose but must follow the import or export procedure according to specific regulation of each type of goods.

Article 6    Amendment of Tables of Prohibit Goods Sujects to Import and Export

       The amendment of the prohibit goods subjects to import or export is the

increase or decrease number of goods that are specified in Article 3 of this Decision.

              Each time of the amendment shall be approved from the Minister of Industry and   

       Commerce base on the consideration and request of related sectors.

                   Upon finising the amendment, Ministry of Industry and Commerce shall notify to  

            all related sector for acknowlegment and implementation.

Article 7    Implementation

                 Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce is authoried to be the main agency in order to cooperate with related agencies in terms of implementing this Decision with effective outcome.


Article 8     Effectiveness

                   This decision shall be effective after the date of signature and published on the Lao Official Gazette  for 15 days.

                   This decision replaces the Notification on List of Prohibit Goods subjects to Import or Export No.0973/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 25 March 2011.






Dr. Khampheng Xaysompheng


# Title Download
1 The Decision to prohibit import and export products, No. 0848/MOIC, date 13 September 2021. PDF
2 ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ລາຍການສິນຄ້າເກືອດຫ້າມການນຳເຂົ້າ ຫຼື ສົ່ງອອກ, ເລກທີ 0848/ອຄ, ລົງວັນທີ 13 ກັນຍາ 2021. PDF
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