Welcome to the Lao PDR SPS Enquiry Point   Lao PDR SPS Enquiry Point


International Cooperation Division
Department of Planning and Cooperations
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
P.O.Box 811 Vientiane, Lao PDR

Tel: +856 21 415358
Email: [email protected]

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Requirements for the import and the transit of cassava and its products in Thailand

 Indonesia notifies Fresh Food Import Requirements

Republic of Turkey will utilize Veterinary Health Certificate for Importation of Fish Oil and for Importation of Processed Animal Protein

Notification on Pest Risk Analysis for Plants and Plant Products before exporting to Vietnam

► Order to Increase Strictness on Administration and Inspection of Phytosanitary Certification for Plants and Plant Products to the European Union

 Order to Increase Strictness on Administration and Inspection of Phytosanitary Certification and Plant Products to Socialist Republic of Vietnam

 The Protocol on Plant Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Exporting Rice from Lao PDR to Republic of China

Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Watermelon, Banana and Cassava from Laos to China

► The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has issued an instruction on condition of exporting maize from Laos to Thailand

► The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has issued an instuction regarding the origin on the import and export of vegetable, vegetal product and food product to EU countries

The Ministry of Health has issued a notification on the ban on distribution and consumption of Dumex instant milk power after receiving a notice recalling dairy products suspected to be contaminated with bacteria distributed by the company 

► Laos temporary bans the import of poultry from China

► The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry issues new Phytosanitary Certificate

► The Department of Plantations, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has issued an instruction on sanitary requirement for importing reformed cassava plants from overseas.

► Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Instructed on strengthen addressing, protection and prevention on pest outbreak in cassava powder

► Technicality Instruction of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on the prevention measure and eradicate of pest in cassava

Meeting of SPS/TBT Enquiry Points and Notification Unit to discuss lessons
learned from Study Visit to Vietnam

► Lao PDR establishes SPS and TBT Enquiry Points

The Lao PDR SPS Enquiry Point has been established, under Decree No. 363/PM, in the Ministry of Agriculture and ForestryDivision of International Cooperation

The Lao SPS Enquiry Point has been established to provide information about:

  • sanitary or phytosanitary regulations adopted or proposed in Lao PDR
  • control and inspection procedures, production and quarantine treatment, pesticide tolerance and food additive approval procedures in Lao PDR
  • requirements for food safety and animal and plant health related to exports to other WTO member countries
  • membership and participation of Lao PDR in international and regional sanitary and phytosanitary organizations
  • Lao PDR’s bilateral and multilateral agreements and arrangements within the scope of the SPS Agreement


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► Permitted Provincial and Checkpoint authorizers for Phytosanitary Certificate in Lao PDR

► SPS Laws and Regulations

► SPS Measures and Conformity Assessment

► The WTO SPS Agreement

► Food Safety

► Animal Health

► Plant Health


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► Ministry of Agriculture and Foresty

► Ministry of Health

► National Notification Authority

► Scientific information

​      ♦ 
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)

      ♦ World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)

      ♦ Codex Alimentarius Commission

► Food Inspection Agency
     (MOH Food and 
Drug Department)



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