Unofficial translation


Lao’s People Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity


Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Ref no.0333/MOIC

Vientiane Capital, dated 22 March 2022



on the List of Goods subject to Apply for Import or Export Permit


  • Pursuant to Decree on Import and Export no.114/GOV, dated 6 April 2011;
  • Pursuant to Decree on the Organization and Operation of Ministry of Industry and Commerce no.604/PM, dated 15 October 2021;
  • Pursuant to the request letter of the Department of Import and Export no.1058/DIMEX, dated 22 March 2022.


Minister of Industry and Commerce has issued:


Article 1     Objectives

               This Decision has been created in order to implement Article 11 of Decree on Import and Export of Goods No.114/GOV, dated 6 April 2011.


Article 2    List of Goods Subject to Apply for Import or Export Permit

                List of goods subject to apply for import or export permit is a list of goods that shall apply the permit at the agencies who manage those items of goods before import or export.

                Importers or Exporters of the goods shall submit their request letter to related agencies before they import or export each time and to prepare a completed and correct set of all required documents according to specfified conditions.

                The licensing agency can reject the request in case that the import of such goods can servely affect the soceity secruity and social rules  in order to protect human’s life and heath as well as the enviroment.


Article 3    Table of List of Products Suject to Apply for Import or Export Permit

               Table of list of products suject to apply for import or export permit is based on the HS code of the products in which it is divided into two tables namely the table of list of product subjects to apply the permit before import and table of list of product subjects to apply the permit before export as more details as followings:





  1. Table of the list of products subjects to apply the permit before import


HS code

Type of Product



Authorzied agency









Gun and bullets for sports training and competition

For the saftety of the nations and the national security

Notification on Importation of Guns and Bullets for Sports No. 799/MPS, dated 13 June 2012.

Department of General Affairs

(Ministry of Public Security)









Explosive materials used in the industry:

  • Explosive substance;
  • Explosive equipment;
  • Explosives;
  • Pyrotechnic products;
  • Raw materials producing bomb;
  • Equipment producing bomb.


For the saftety of the nations and the national security


Decision on the Management of Industrial Explosive Materials No. 2450/MND, dated 5 August 2010;

Department of National Industry Defense

General Technical Department

(Ministry of National Defence)






Gold used for international payment such as: gold bar, silver bar and silver that is not in jewellery form

(Gold bar 99,99%)

To ensure monetary stability and economy security


Decision on a business of import and export gold for international payments, No.461/BOL, dated 03 June 2019.

Department of Monetary Policy

(Bank of Lao PDR)





All type of games machines such as Slot Machine, Roulett and other casino game machines.

To ensure social order and manage imports being used for their intended purpose


Provision on Management and Inspection, Authorization of All Type of Gaming no. 664/MICT, dated 22 October 2003.

Department of Art and Culture

(Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism)




Drug and medical products

For consumer health safety.


Department of Food and Drug

(Ministry of Health)




Narcotic drugs and Nerve affecting substance


To manage the usage with the right target



Department of Food and Drug

(Ministry of Health)








All land vehicles running by mechines (complete unit or CBU) divided into two types as followings:

a) with two or three wheels;

b) with four or more wheels.


To ensure the source and prevent the illegal car importation



Decision on Decentralised management of land vehicle business, No.0023/MOIC, date 06 January 2022.

  • Department of Import and Export (Type a and b);
  • Vientaine Capital, Provincial Industry and Trade office (Type a and b. For b, is the vehicles under the master list approved by the provincial investment committee)

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)













Petroleum products using as buring fuel:

  • Premium Gasoline;
  • Regular Gasoline;
  • Disel;
  • Jet fuel (Jet A-1);
  •  Kerosene;
  • Stove oil.

To ensure the source and prevent the illegal petroleum importation




Department of Import and Export

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)







Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)


To ensure the economic security with the balancing consumption in orde to avoid the gas shortage that leads to revserving the fuel causing high price


Department of Import and Export

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)










Logs, stumps, burl, square logs

To ensure the compliance with legal timber quarantee system in Lao PDR

Department of Import and Export

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)







Rough Diamond


To prevent illegal trade of rough diamond under the regulation of

Kimberley Process (KP) that Lao PDR is a party.

Decision on the Import and Export of Rough Diamond, No. 0224/MoIC.DIMEX, dated 8 February 2016.


Department of Import and Export

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce))







To ensure food sufficiency

Decision on the Procedures for Rice Import and Export in the Lao PDR No. 0452/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 1 March 2012.


Vientaine Capital, Provincial Industry and Trade office

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)




Hazadous Chemical Type II and III under the list of industrial chemicals of Ministry of Industry and Commerce




To manage the use with right target

Department of Industry and Handicraft

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)





Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) List II of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

To protect all kind threatened and endangered species.


Vientiane Captial, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office

(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)




All kind of Wildlife-Aquatic life and their parts under the controlling list Category II and III of CITES


To comply with regulation and commitment of Lao PDR under CITES

Department of Forestry

(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)






Moderately and slightly hazardous pesticide

To protect health, safety of human and environment and to comply with regulation of protocols that Lao is a party. 



  • Rotterdam Convention;
  • Stockholm Convention;
  • Law on the Management of Chemicals no 07/NA, dated 10 November 2016;
  • Decree on Pesticide Management in Lao PDR no.258/GOV, dated 24 August 2017;
  • Decision on the Management of Pesticide in Lao PDR no.2860/MAF, dated 11 June 2010.

Vientiane Captial, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office

(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)




Minerals and Minerals products excluding Uranium or thorium ores

To protect health, saftety of human and environment and to comply with the regulation of the international conventions that Lao PDR is a party



Department of Mine Management

(Ministry of Energy and Mine)







- Satellite phone

- Very small aperture Terminal (VSAT)

For national peace and security




Department of Frequency

(Ministry of Technology and Communication)


  1. Table of List of Goods Subjects to Export Licensing


HS code




Licencing agency




Gold used for international payment such as: gold bar, silver bar and silver that is not in jewellery form

(Gold bar 99,99%)

To ensure monetary stability and economy security


Department of Monetary Policy

(Bank of Lao PDR)



4408 - 4421





Wood products from natural forest

To ensure the compliance with legal timber quarantee system in Lao PDR



Vientaine Capital, Provincial Industry and Trade office

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)


  2. - 4421





Planing wood and planning wood products


To ensure the compliance with legal timber quarantee system in Lao PDR



District, City Industry and Trade Office

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)



White charoal

To ensure the compliance with legal timber quarantee system in Lao PDR


Vientiane Captial, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office

(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)



Unprocessed Natural resource for medicines

To protect and maintain the sustainability of natural resource


Department of Food and Drug

(Ministry of Health)




To ensure food sufficiency

Decision on the Procedures for Rice Import and Export in the Lao PDR No. 0452/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 1 March 2012.


Vientaine Capital, Provincial Industry and Trade office

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)





Rough Diamond


To prevent illegal trade of rough diamond under the regulation of

Kimberley Process (KP) that Lao PDR is a party.

Decision on the Import and Export of Rough Diamond, No. 0224/MoIC.DIMEX, dated 8 February 2016.


Department of Import and Export

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce))




Hazardous chemical Type II and III under Ministry of Industry and Commerce’s industrial chemical list

To manage the use with right target

Department of Industry and Handicraft

(Ministry of Industry and Commerce)




Non-Timber Forest Prodcuts (NTFP) List II of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

To protect all kind threatened and endangered species.


Decision on Non Timber Forest Prodcut List I, II, III no.0279/MAF, dated 19 February 2020.

Vientiane Captial, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office

(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)



All kind of Wildlife-Aquatic life and their parts under the controlling list Category II and III of CITES


To comply with regulation and commitment of Lao PDR under CITES

Department of Forestry

(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)



Minerals and Minerals products excluding Uranium or thorium ores

To protect health, saftety of human and environment and to comply with the regulation of the international conventions that Lao PDR is a party


Notification on the Procedure to request Plan and Mineral Product for Distribution No. 0011/DOM3, dated 04 January 2019.

Department of Mine Management

(Ministry of Energy and Mine)



  • For goods that are specified in table 1 and table 2 in Article 3 of this Decision in which its HS code is not specified or has unclear or incomplete specification, the related responsible agencies will cooperate with customs administration in order to specify the actual HS code for goods to be correct and complied with the detail content of the goods according to the Lao Tariffs Nomenclature.

Article 4     Import and Export of Goods that are not in the list of Goods subjects to Apply for Import or Export Permit

                Goods that are not in the list of goods subjects to apply for import or export permit as specified in Article 3 of this Decision can be directly proceed with customs declaration at the border, but shall comply with the measures on Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary or Techical barriers to trade rules of other related agencies of Lao PDR or the country of destination has specfied in which those goods are in a specific lists.


Article 5    Amendment of list of Goods Subjects to Apply for the Import or Export Permit

                The amendment of the goods subjects to apply for the import or export permit is the increase or decrease number of goods that are specified in Article 3 of this Decision.

               Every amendment shall be approved by the Minister of Industry and Commerce base on the consideration and request of related agencies.

                   Upon finising the amendment, Ministry of Industry and Commerce shall notify to all related agencies for their acknowlegment and implementation.


Article 6    Implementation

               The Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce is authorized to be a main agency in order to cooperate with related agencies in implementing this Decsion for effecient outcome.


Article 7     Effectiveness

               This decision shall be effectiveness after the date of signing and published on the Lao Official Gazette  for 15 days.

                   This decision replaces the Notification on List of Goods subject to apply for import or export permit as automatic and non-automatic permit no.0076/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 13 January 2012.



Dr. Khampheng Xaysompheng


# Title Download
1 Decision on Goods subject to licensing prior to import or export no. 0333/MOIC, dated 22 March 2022 PDF
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